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ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
Complete Cheque Printing
& Management Solution

How to prepare a cheque?

  1. Under "Tools Box", select the cheque book which you like to issue cheque from.

  2. cheque book folder

  3. Click the [New Cheque] icon in Tool Bar.

  4. A "Cheque" window is shown out.

  5. create new cheque

  6. Three buttons are provided at the top.
    • "Payment Voucher" - You can create a Payment Voucher associated to this cheque.

    • "Load from Template" - You can load the cheque info from a pre-saved cheque template.

    • "Save as Template" - Existing cheque information can be saved as template which can be used later.

  7. The explanation of input fields are given below.
    • "Account" field shows which account this cheque belongs to.

    • The cheque number is assigned according to the sequence defined in the Cheque Book.
      But, you can click to override it.

    • By default, "Date" will be assigned with today value. Click to choose a different date.

    • You have different options specified for the cheque, like "A/C Payee Only".
      If the option is not defined in the cheque template, the option will be greyed out.

    • Payee can be typed directly or load from payee list by clicking .
      You can also save the Payee into Payee List directly by clicking .

    • Amount input will be shown, in the cheque, in number and also in word.

    • Particulars & Audit Code are for internal account and audit purpose.
      These two fields will not be shown in the cheque.