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ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
Complete Cheque Printing
& Management Solution

How to retrieve all the cheque records of a payee?

  1. Under "Tools Box", click [Report] icon.

  2. Click the icon and choose "Payee Report" to launch "Payee Report" window.

  3. payee report window

  4. You need to provide a name for this report.

  5. Provide the payee name or click to load from Payee List.

  6. You can specify other report criteria, like Amount, Start Date and End Date of issued cheque.

  7. Select the cheques for report, All, Normal or Void.

  8. Check the box to select the columns to display in report.

  9. You need to save the Report before making Preview. You can refer to the "Last Generated" to see how update the report is.