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ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
Complete Cheque Printing
& Management Solution

How to create a cheque book?

  1. In menu "Management > Cheque Book Management"

  2. Click the icon to create a new cheque book.

  3. A "Cheque Book Maintenance" dialog is shown out.

  4. cheque book

  5. You need to specify the following information:
    • Cheque Book ID - a identifier for your own reference, which shown in the Tools Box.

    • Account Name - The name of account which this cheque book belongs to. It is shown in the Tools Box for informative purpose only.

    • Account Number - Account number for which this cheque book belongs to. It is for informative purpose only.

    • Currency Label - You can rename the currency label to fit your needs. For example, rename Dollars and Cents to Pounds and Pence.

    • Currency Subunit - You can also change the subunit to "0.000".

    • Cheque Number - The next cheque number of your cheque book. This number will be increased for every cheque issue.

    • Account Balance - You can keep track your account balance.

    • Cheque Layout - Choose the cheque layout which this cheque book fit to.

    • Default Checked - Specify the default value of those checkboxes when creating a new cheque.

  6. Click the [Save] button when ready.

  7. The newly created cheque book will be shown in the "Cheque Book Management" window.

  8. When you return to the main window, you should also find a new folder under the "Tools Box" on the left, which represent the new cheque book.