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RoboMail Mass Mail Software
Mass Mail Software
Send Personalized Marketing Email
RoboMail User Guide
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Main Screen

RoboMail main screen

The main screen of RoboMail is shown above.

In the top is the menu bar, which has File, Tools, Help and Buy Now. "Buy Now” is shown in trial version only.

The next is the tool bar which provide a quick access to some commonly used functions. The icons will be enabled when corresponding item is selected.

New Template - Create a new message template

Edit Template - Edit the selected template

Delete Template - Delete the selected template

Cancel Email - Remove emails from the sending list by the um-subscribing process automatically or input manually.

Address Book - Shows the Address Book.

Start Sending - Start sending emails out.

Stop Sending - Stop sending emails.

Tracking Report - Review your email marketing performance by tracking report.

View Log - It will show the log file of selected template. In the log file, it lists the time, email address and success/failure of email sent.

Table lists the existing template in the RoboMail. It shows out the title name, number of email sent/not send/send fail, time of last sent/next send, priority and its status. Double click the selected email template to edit it.