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RoboMail Mass Mail Software
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How to setup the Unsubscribe feature?

  1. The unsubscribe feature allows you to process the unsubscribe features with a few clicks.

  2. To setup unsubscribe, click menu "File > Settings" and switch to "Unsubscribe" tab.

  3. setting unsubscribe mail box

  4. You need to prepare an email address, and also Email Title, to receive those unsubscribe requests.
    Those email received on the specified address with matched title will be treated as unsubscribe requests.

  5. You need to specify the Email Title, Email address for the unsubscribe request sent to.
    You also need to "Host", "Port", "Username" and "Password" to allows RoboMail to retrieve email from the mail box.

  6. To process unsubscribe email request, click "Cancel Email" icon in main window.

  7. process unsubscribe email request

  8. Select "Process POP3 unsubscriber list" and click "Save" to proceed.

  9. It will process all the email about unsubscribe request in your specified mail box.