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PhotoPDF Photo to PDF Converter
Photo to PDF Converter
Batch Convert Photos into PDF

How to perform Thumbnail Page?

"Thumbnail Page" allows you to put multiple photos as thumbnail into a single PDF file.
  1. In the main window, switch to "Thumbnail Page" tab.

  2. add multiple photos as thumbnail index into a pdf file

  3. To add photos for processing, click icon on right hand side to add photos.
    You can click and to reorder the photos.

    add files for thumbnail generation

  4. You can specify the settings for output.
    • Paper Size - You can choose from different paper size. You can define a new paper size in menu "Settings".
    • Orientation - Landscape or Portrait. This option is not applicable if "Image Size" is chosen as paper size.
    • Resolution - The value given is in dot-per-inch (dpi).
    • Image Compression - The larger the compression, the smaller the output file size but with poor quality.
    • Thumbnail Settings
      • Number of Columns
      • Number of Rows
      • Spacing - the spacing between thumbnails
    • Output File - Click the "Browse" button to specify a filename as the output pdf file.

  5. Click at the bottom to start the process.