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EasyBilling Invoicing Software
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Manage/Organize the documents in different folders

You can create different folders to manage your documents.
  1. In main window, click menu "Settings > Folder Management".

  2. folder management menu

  3. Folder Managment window is shown.
    You can click the button to add, edit, delete folder. You can also move the folders upwards or downwards.

  4. folder list for documents, invoice, quotation

  5. Click icon to add a new folder.
    provide folder name

  6. Specify the folder name and choose a Parent folder if you want to create sub-folder. EasyBilling only allows one level sub-folder. Click "Save" button to create the folder.

  7. The new folder will be created and shown under Tools Box in main window.
    Click the folder name in Tools Box to switch to another folder.
    easybilling supports multiple folder

  8. You can move the document from one folder to another. Highlight the document and click "Move" icon.

  9. A dialog is shown. You can choose the folder to move to. Click the "Save" button when ready.

  10. move document between folders

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