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Quick Receipt Software
Quick Receipt Software for thermal printer

Quick Receipt Software v2.6.6
for Thermal Printer

Print Sales Receipt and Invoice for thermal printer.

✔ Customizable Receipt and Invoice

Receipt can be customized to fit your company's need.
  • Set your own logo, header and footer
  • Line item can be set with different columes to show Product ID, Brand Name, Specification
  • Provide discount field and tax fields in sub-total calculation
  • Support QR Code printing
  • Rename document label to fit your business
  • Rearrange layout and adjust components in Receipts.

✔ Generate Packing List

Not only sales receipt and invoice, it also provides Packing List. You may generate Packing List from receipt or create Packing List manually.

✔ Keep Printed Copies

An image copy will be saved when the document is printed. You can easily trace and review the records.

✔ Comprehensive Reports

Multiple reports are provided. Sales figures by week, month or year, Customer Report and also Item Sales Statistics. Report can be exported into PDF or Excel format.

✔ Raw Data Export

Raw Data Export can export every fields in Receipt and Packing List into an Excel file for further process.

✔ Support Different Thermal Paper Sizes

Support 58mm and 80mm thermal paper.

✔ Support Multiple Companies

Quick Receipts allows to create different databases which can be used to manage different companies.
Receipt Windows of Quick Receipt Software Main Screen of Quick Receipt Software
 Learn money back guarantee details for Quick Receipt Software
Only US$135
Buy Quick Receipt
* No monthly fee. Lifetime license.


Sample Printouts

Software Summary
Product NameQuick Receipt Software 2.6.6
Release Date2025-03-10
Interface LanguageEnglish, Chinese (Traditional/Simplified)
PlatformWindows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7
MacOS 10.12 or later
Windows Platform
The downloaded file is named quickreceipt-setup.exe (92.2MB).
Once download is complete, double click setup.exe to install. Pay attention to the folder where your browser saves setup.exe file.

MacOS Platform
The downloaded file is named quickreceipt-installer.pkg (114.0MB).
Once download is complete, double click on quickreceipt-installer.pkg to install. After installation, the software can be found in Launchpad.

* Installing or using the software will not modify system settings of your computer.
* No personal information is collected by the software.

Buy Quick Receipt
* No monthly fee. Lifetime license.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee for PayPal or Stripe Payment
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