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EasyBilling Invoicing Software

Invoicing Software

Prepare Invoice, Quotation, Receipt,
Delivery Note,
Packing Slip,
and more...

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EasyBilling Release History

Version 9.5.3 Release Date: 2024-09-09
  • Add date time option in footer
  • Add watermark grayscale option
  • Fix photo attachment arrangement span over one page issue in certain scenario
  • Fix window size issue of document windows
Version 9.5.2 Release Date: 2024-08-15
  • Improve the preview windows in the Customize Document settings
  • Fix settings that cannot be completely saved in the Customize Document settings in certain scenarios
  • Improve the handling of invalid characters in the import process
Version 9.5.1 Release Date: 2024-07-24
  • Add color option for label text on shadow
  • Improve handling on processing invalid character input
  • Fix empty line issue in Raw Data Export report
  • Update Help menu
  • Update User Guide documentation
Version 9.5.0 Release Date: 2024-06-26
  • User can set the font in draft documents even in read-only mode
  • User Interface and Preferences menu has been reorganized
  • Issue with the document status list has been fixed
Version 9.4.0 Release Date: 2024-05-27
  • Add A4 Landscape option
  • Improve note in document, remove limit on number of lines
  • Improve quantity calculation in Packing List
  • Improve interface on Packing and Weight List
  • Fix value in Excel report cannot be shown in some cases
  • Fix abnormal limit on rows in raw data export of invoice
Version 9.3.6 Release Date: 2024-05-01
  • Improve header and footer to preserve space
  • Improve software update process
  • Other minor improvements
Version 9.3.5 Release Date: 2024-04-02
  • Enhance the search functionality to enable direct searching by either document number or customer
  • Enhance default quantity settings in item list of document
  • Fix issue of export report with a substantial amount of data to an Excel file
Version 9.3.4 Release Date: 2024-03-06
  • Add consolidate option in Payment Received Report, which can group payment received records from multiple invoices of same customer into a single report
  • Improve workspace switching process
  • Fix damaged image files causing the inability to open document issue
  • Fix sorting issue in document list if document number is sorted by default
  • Fix taxable column cannot be clicked issue in document window
  • Fix customer name cannot be saved in payment received report
  • Fix signature cannot be shown in payment received of document label settings
Version 9.3.3 Release Date: 2024-02-05
  • Allow to search for specific date in advanced search
  • Enhance Customer Purchase History report. If no item is selected, report will list out all the purchased item. Total Quantity and Total Amount information are also added to the report
  • Fix sorting issue in report list
Version 9.3.2 Release Date: 2024-01-03
  • Allow to add a desktop shortcut on Windows which launch selected workspace
  • Fix number format issue in Excel output of report
[Click to view full list]

Version 9.3.1 Release Date: 2023-11-30
  • Add Total Quantity field in Delivery Note, Packing Slip and Ordering document
  • Add text formatting button in note list
  • Add User Guide PDF
  • Other minor improvements
Version 9.3.0 Release Date: 2023-11-01
  • Add strikethrough, small and large text formatting in note field
  • Provide button for text formatting
  • Add date option in numbering pattern
  • Support undo (CTRL+Z) and redo (CTRL+Y) operation in text fields
Version 9.2.2 Release Date: 2023-10-10
  • Fix validation issue on text formatting in note field of Invoice and Tax Invoice
  • Other minor bugs fixed
Version 9.2.1 Release Date: 2023-09-12
  • Document PDF supports to display visible digital signature
  • Improve opening speed of document
  • Improve processing speed of report
Version 9.2.0 Release Date: 2023-08-11
  • Add red and yellow highlight tag in note field
  • Add signature boxes in payment received page
  • Improve compatibility of import file format
Version 9.1.0 Release Date: 2023-07-11
  • Add watermark feature in document
  • Option to set number of decimal points for tax
  • Allow to disable shadow and border in document
  • Improve salesman field in Packing List and Weight List
  • Fix incorrectly load issue in PO Number field of Packing List and Weight List
  • Fix photo caption cannot be edited in attachment
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Version 9.0.1 Release Date: 2023-06-13
  • Improve opening speed of report
  • Fix missing calendar button in Signature box in Flat theme
  • Fix customer list and supplier list cannot be opened in report
  • Improve note field in document windows
Version 9.0.0 Release Date: 2023-05-23
  • Batch create function to create document for multiple customers
  • Document number to show QR Code
  • Improve user interface on software update
  • Fix startup settings issue on workspace
  • Other minor bug fixes
Version 8.9.8 Release Date: 2023-04-21
  • Improve processing speed of report and reduce memory usage
  • Fix spacing of item name issue in report processing
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 8.9.7 Release Date: 2023-03-22
  • Add additional control in popup menu of item list in document
  • Improve compatibility of non-alphanumeric characters in folder path of workspace
  • Fix barcode cannot be generated in document in certain scenarios
Version 8.9.6 Release Date: 2023-02-20
  • Fix an issue that cause printing document in A5 portrait will output in A4 size
  • Fix certain labels in Invoice cannot be set with bold font
  • Other minor improvements
Version 8.9.5 Release Date: 2023-01-24
  • Improve User Interface - Allow to adjust line item table size in document windows.
  • Improve compatibility of digital signature in document PDF
  • Update system kernel
Version 8.9.4 Release Date: 2022-12-19
  • Improve report and enhance compatibility of Excel format
  • Add document number as second sorting column
  • Fix issue when deleting workspace
  • Fix graphic path issue in workspace settings
Version 8.9.3 Release Date: 2022-11-24
  • Fix file path issue of image in output pdf
  • Fix image size issue in footer
Version 8.9.2 Release Date: 2022-10-27
  • Support volume pricing in item
  • Fix few minor issues in workspace settings
Version 8.9.1 Release Date: 2022-09-28
  • New option to reset document number every month or year
  • Update database kernel
Version 8.9.0 Release Date: 2022-08-30
  • Item price in document can be calculated by item unit or by measurements (Length, Width, Height, Weight, etc). It can be set in menu "Customized Document > Document Preferences"
  • Improve speed on opening document
  • Fix document rename issue
  • Fix custom field loads incorrect default value in certain conditions
  • Fix memory leak issue
Version 8.8.9 Release Date: 2022-08-03
  • Fix startup option issue for workspace
  • Improve email sending process
Version 8.8.8 Release Date: 2022-07-07
  • Improve support of different types of image
  • Improve email sending process
  • Option to choose email executable file
  • Improve date chooser and allow to select date by date difference
Version 8.8.7 Release Date: 2022-06-16
  • Allow to hide unnecessary document type from user interface
  • Revise wording used in user interface
Version 8.8.6 Release Date: 2022-05-12
  • Allow to limit document type in folder
  • Amounts in words can be set to Balance field in certain documents
  • Fix input issue in Weight List
  • Fix other minor issues
Version 8.8.5 Release Date: 2022-04-14
  • Add Payment Received Type in Raw Data Export
  • Improve operation on password-protected folder
  • Fix item list cannot be exported in certain condition
  • Fix payment received reort cannot be exported in certain condition
  • Fix loading note issue in Delivery Note
Version 8.8.4 Release Date: 2022-03-16
  • Option to set password on document folder
  • Improve user interface of toolbox
  • Improve compatibility of invalid photo
  • Fix hidden photo issue on line item
  • Update database kernel
Version 8.8.3 Release Date: 2022-02-15
  • Allow to set default note by document types
  • Add display option for thousand separator
  • Fix minor issue in Delivery Note
Version 8.8.2 Release Date: 2022-01-18
  • Add Payment Received Report
  • Improve column display in line item table in document
  • Fix customer information in receipt cannot in certain scenarios
  • Fix shortcut key issue
Version 8.8.1 Release Date: 2021-12-20
  • Improve column width on item list in document windows
  • Improve protection mechanism on password protected document
  • Improve restore process
  • Add thousand separator in Total column in main screen
  • Option to set minimum height of Notes field
  • Option to set default number of extra blank link
  • Fix custom field cannot be displayed in certain condition
Version 8.8.0 Release Date: 2021-11-26
  • Provide default value in custom field
  • Support dynamic content. Input [CUSTOMER_NAME], [DOCUMENT_NUMBER], [DOCUMENT_DATE], [TOTAL_AMOUNT], [TOTAL_AMOUNT_IN_WORDS] in document labels, footer, or different places in document, the content can be loaded into document automatically
Version 8.7.4 Release Date: 2021-11-03
  • Add notes field in Customer and Supplier
  • Tweak user interface of customer edit windows
  • Fix border color issue in photo attachment
  • Other minor improvements
Version 8.7.3 Release Date: 2021-09-15
  • Add preview in address printing
  • Add Total GW and Total NW columns in Packing List
  • Add preferred item category in customer. When create document, item list will show the preferred item category of that customer
  • Fix issue in importing xlsx file
Version 8.7.2 Release Date: 2021-08-25
  • Improve address printing function
  • Improve refresh process in document list
  • Fix cancel update issue on different lists
  • Fix issue on search criteria of report
Version 8.7.1 Release Date: 2021-07-15
  • Add border option in photo attachment
  • Fix custom field issue in reciept and delivery note
  • Fix default document label in receipt
Version 8.7.0 Release Date: 2021-06-10
  • New printing option: 2 copies in 1 page
  • Option to add password protection on PDF output
  • Auto adjust font size for stamp
  • Improve copying data process when creating workspace
  • Fix minor issues on custom field and customer list
Version 8.6.6 Release Date: 2021-05-05
  • Customer can be set with three shipping addresses
  • Document content can be extended if no footer is set
  • Photo and PDF attachment supports drag-and-drop in document window
  • Improve keyboard control in searching function
  • Reduce size of installation file
  • Update kernel target version
  • Update documentation
Version 8.6.5 Release Date: 2021-03-30
  • Add preferred shipping method for customer
  • Improve customer data saving and customer report
  • Improve display of right-click menu
  • Fix editing issue on copied item
  • Keep maximize state of document windows
  • Other minor fixes and improvements
Version 8.6.4 Release Date: 2021-02-25
  • Add sorting order option
  • Add report font option
  • Other fixes and improvements
Version 8.6.3 Release Date: 2021-01-22
  • Fix issue in v8.6.2: Document list may lag or not responding in few sceanarios
  • version 8.6.2
  • - Add net weight and dimensions columns in item list, and can be used in Weight List and Packing List
  • - Add spec and additional info columns in Packing List
  • - Add net weight column in Weight List
  • - Improve compatibility of image format
Version 8.6.1 Release Date: 2020-12-15
  • Improve loading speed of document list and reduce resources loading
  • Improve speed in updating document status and changing color highlight in document list
  • Add Load from Customer List option to Shipping Address in Purchase Order
  • Improve compatibility on Mac and Override Lock issue
  • Fix workspace naming issue in regular backup
  • Fix report missing issue
Version 8.5.2 Release Date: 2020-11-11
  • Streamline operation process: (1) remove popup Saved dialog after updating settings (2) Replace saved dialog with auto dismiss message in Document, and Report (3) When closing document or report, show confirmation dialog only if it is modified
  • Fix barcode display issue when exporting document
  • Minor improvement on user interface
Version 8.5.1 Release Date: 2020-10-09
  • Support copy/paste item list in document with system clipboard. Allow to copy and paste content from Excel
  • Fix missing image of signature when export document to excel or html file
  • Fix color settings in dark theme
Version 8.5.0 Release Date: 2020-09-09
  • Support digital signature and sign PDF with digital certificate (PFX)
  • Add two reports: Customer Purchase History, Item Sales Report
  • Show toast message when adding items to document
  • Improve and fix issues on report
  • Fix import issue on supplier list
  • Fix issue when adding item with photo into document
  • Other fixes
Version 8.4.1 Release Date: 2020-08-13
  • Option to set color and shape of stamp
  • Allow to show page number with image footer
  • Other improvements
Version 8.4.0 Release Date: 2020-07-16
  • Add taxable field in item
  • Option to set Author in PDF Properties
  • Improve software startup process
  • Update database library
  • Other minor fixes
Version 8.3.0 Release Date: 2020-06-23
  • Adjust Settings menu
  • Improve password settings
  • Tweak database architecture
Version 8.2.2 Release Date: 2020-05-26
  • Fix issues introduced in v8.2.0
  • 8.2.0 Update List
  • Add three additional field in items
  • Add discount field in item and customer, and can be loaded into document
  • Add bold option in document label, line color in item list
  • Improve date chooser and date input in Ordering document
  • Improve user interface of document column
  • Fix customer report "All Customer" issue
  • Fix column width and document layout settings issue
  • Update supporting libraries
  • Other improvements and fixes
Version 8.1.0 Release Date: 2020-04-21
  • Option to rename document name on user interface
  • Add original label for duplicate printing
  • Fix duplicate printing issue
  • Minor tweak on user interface
  • Other minor fixes
Version 8.0.0 Release Date: 2020-03-28
  • New document type: Weight List
  • Add weight column in Item and can be used in Weight List
  • Add Flat and Dark theme
  • Move customer, supplier, item category menu to their own page
  • Other improvements
Version 7.6.2 Release Date: 2020-02-26
  • Add Sales Person Report
  • Improve Total VAT Payable Report
  • Fix logo issue on Monthly Statement
  • Other minor fixes
Version 7.6.1 Release Date: 2020-01-31
  • Improve photo file selection interface, support thumbnail view
  • Improve sorting result (by date then number) of monthly statement
  • Fix display issue of document search result
  • Fix VAT No cannot be loaded issue
  • Fix folder selection issue when editing report
Version 7.6.0 Release Date: 2020-01-02
  • Option to set alternate row color in item list of document
  • Improve item search function when adding item into document
  • Fix ui operation issue of raw data export
  • Fix document numbering issue
  • Fix alignment issue in Invoice
  • Other fixes
Version 7.5.0 Release Date: 2019-12-04
  • Different types of document can set with different paper size and layout
  • Fix multi-line input issue
  • Improve document number process
  • Other fixes
Version 7.4.0 Release Date: 2019-11-06
  • Add two font size options
  • Add VAT No. field in Customer Address Box
  • Description field in Line Item of document supports multiple line input (Enable in menu "Customize Document > Document Preferences > Miscellaneous")
  • Description field in Line Item of document supports italic and underline
  • Improve softare update process
  • Fix Amount in Words display issue in Proforma Invoice
  • Other fixes
Version 7.3.0 Release Date: 2019-10-13
  • Add new document layout: Table
  • Improve windows display when startup
  • Fix raw data export output process
  • Fix multiple issues in report
  • Fix HTML and XLS export issue in Ordering
Version 7.2.0 Release Date: 2019-09-10
  • Option to change font of user interface
  • Fix page break issue of address box in PDF output
  • Fix font loading issue in PDF
Version 7.1.1 Release Date: 2019-08-27
  • Add two custom fields above Note fields
  • Improve startup speed in Mac version
  • Show color highlight in Document Windows in Mac version
  • Improve document saving speed in Mac version
Version 7.1.0 Release Date: 2019-07-18
  • Add Notes field in Delivery Note and Ordering
  • Option to set color on duplicate label
  • Current screen list of customer, supplier, and item list can be exported
  • Fix triplicate label bug
Version 7.0.0 Release Date: 2019-06-29
  • Update Program Kernel
  • App Notarization for Mac version
Version 6.4.1 Release Date: 2019-05-21
  • Fix column width resetting issue
  • Fix amount show "NaN" in documents
  • Fix PDF cache issue
  • Improve compatibility of diacritic used in certain locale
Version 6.4.0 Release Date: 2019-04-24
  • Support OTF font
  • Improve workspace management, allow to delete workspace connection only and keep files inact
  • Fix column width issue on document list
  • Other minor fixes
Version 6.3.1 Release Date: 2019-03-25
  • Add Payment Term option in Monthly Statement
  • Fix launching issue in Read-Only mode
  • Fix amount display issue in Mac version
  • Improve compatibility with computer locale
Version 6.3.0 Release Date: 2019-02-26
  • Add searching criteria in Report, only document contains specific customers, item will be counted in Report
  • Improve software startup process on Mac platform
  • Improve license validation process
Version 6.2.1 Release Date: 2019-02-02
  • Fix indexing problem
  • Improve cache file processing
  • Fix import xlsx file issue
  • Fix startup issue
  • Fix duplicate Quit Dialog issue in Mac platform
Version 6.2.0 Release Date: 2019-01-28
  • Update program kernel
  • Fix closing dialog issue on Mac platform
  • Fix update issue on Mac platform
  • Update supporting libraries
  • Update documentation
Version 6.1.1 Release Date: 2018-12-31
  • Allow to export document list into CSV format
  • Update supporting libraries
  • Other bug fixes and improvements
Version 6.1.0 Release Date: 2018-11-20
  • Add Notes field in Payment Received in Invoice and Tax Invoice
  • Adjust calculation of Outstanding Balance in Payment Received
  • Option to set default quantity (1 or empty) on loading item into document
Version 6.0.0 Release Date: 2018-10-15
  • Allow to set subfolder in Document Folder
  • Add Text without Label type in Custom Field
  • Fix Invoice generate from Devliery Note
  • Support Full Screen on Mac platform
Version 5.9.0 Release Date: 2018-09-20
  • Support multi-lines selection in Line Item table in document
  • Allow to copy and paste of line item in document
  • Improve responsiveness of Report User Interface
  • Speedup report processing and loading time
  • Enhance user interface on document windows
  • Add folder criteria in Monthly Statement Reports
  • Minor bug fixes in Monthly Statement Reports
  • Fix printing shift on document in Mac platform
  • Fix transparent PNG image issue in footer
  • Minor bug fixes
Version 5.8.1 Release Date: 2018-08-23
  • Receipt can be generated from Debit Note
  • Re-list Default Date option
  • Provide compact view on Tool Box
  • UI Tweak on the Tool Box
  • Adjust Notes fields
Version 5.8.0 Release Date: 2018-07-30
  • Add Photo column in line item in document (setup in menu "Customize Document > Dcoument Columns"
  • Allow to select multiple customers/suppliers from the list in Customer Reprot and Supplier Report
  • Improve Supplier Report
Version 5.7.2 Release Date: 2018-06-21
  • Option to add bold and italic variant in Install Font
  • Add "Refresh" function in Document List (in Right-Click menu)
Version 5.7.1 Release Date: 2018-05-22
  • Fix Credit Note issues
  • v5.7.0 Update
  • - Allow to choose multiple folder in Report
  • - Fix total calculation issue in line item
  • - Fix PDF output issue in report
  • - Fix column display issue in document list after saving the document
Version 5.6.2 Release Date: 2018-04-25
  • Option to load selected workspace on software startup
  • Fix A5 Portrait export issue
  • Fix font display issue in report
Version 5.6.1 Release Date: 2018-04-08
  • Add A5 Portrait paper size for documents
  • Add top and bottom margin settings
  • Fix duplicate printing issue
  • Fix default value not shown in margin settings
  • Improve missing file handling in header settings
Version 5.5.1 Release Date: 2018-02-28
  • Show single printing dialog when printing multiple documents
  • Fix label issue when exporting tax invoice into Excel
  • Fix display of initial value in payment received of Invoice
  • Tweak database locking mechanism
Version 5.5.0 Release Date: 2018-02-06
  • Speedup document list with improved caching and file indexing
  • Reduce document list loading
  • Speedup Advance Search
  • Allow to rename document labels in Payment Record of Invoice and Tax Invoice
  • Tweak folder selection interface in Report
  • Tweak folder list interface in Move Document Dialog
  • Tweak Quick Start Guide
  • Fix total not display issue in Receipt
  • Fix today time calculation in report
  • Fix report name update issue in report list
  • Fix drag and drop issue in Read-Only mode
Version 5.3.2 Release Date: 2018-01-08
  • Update tab page in Customize Document Settings
  • Update help document and online documentation
Version 5.3.1 Release Date: 2017-12-07
  • 5.3.1: Fix NaN issue in document output
  • 5.3.0 Update:
  • New Feature: Record customer payment in Invoice and Tax Invoice
  • Allow line break in Document Label
  • Improve Monthly Statement and Customer Sales Report, and add option to show deposit, balance due, payment received and outstanding balance
  • Add default option box for date field in signature boxes
  • Enhance settings in document columns
  • Improve registration process
  • Tweak Quick Start Guide
Version 5.3.0 Release Date: 2017-12-07
  • New Feature: Record customer payment in Invoice and Tax Invoice
  • Allow line break in Document Label
  • Improve Monthly Statement and Customer Sales Report, and add option to show deposit, balance due, payment received and outstanding balance
  • Add default option box for date field in signature boxes
  • Enhance settings in document columns
  • Improve registration process
  • Tweak Quick Start Guide
Version 5.2.0 Release Date: 2017-11-10
  • Add phone fields in address box of documents
  • Allow to add tax column for line item in document
  • Support current month or year variable in document numbering
  • Support multiple select when adding item to document
  • Auto-fit the width of document title in PDF output
  • Allow to rename Yes / No in the taxable column
  • Rearrange amount in words field in document windows
  • Hide unneccessary fields in document label windows
  • Fix amount in words issue if subunit is set with zero decimal
  • Fix raw data export for credit and debit note
  • Improve password mechanism
Version 5.1.2 Release Date: 2017-10-10
  • Amount can be set with zero decimal point
  • Fully support PNG image file
  • Enhance Date Chooser windows
  • Fix PDF output of Proforma Invoice
Version 5.1.1 Release Date: 2017-09-14
  • Simplify criteria lists in report output
  • Support TTC format in "Install Font"
Version 5.1.0 Release Date: 2017-08-24
  • In read-only mode, user can create draft document
  • In read-only mode, prompt message when workspace is free and ready to connect
  • Reduce download file size in software update
  • Improve registration process
Version 5.0.2 Release Date: 2017-07-17
  • Allow set up to 6 custom fields
  • Add "Packaging" field in Quotation, Invoice, Receipt and Purchase Order
  • Add "Shipping" field in Receipt
  • Allow to set Shipping, Packaging, and Insurance fields as taxable. (In "Customize Document > Document Preferences > Tax" settings)
  • Improve User Interface of Document Label Frame
Version 5.0.1 Release Date: 2017-06-27
  • Fix listing issue in Note Storage
  • Fix loading data issue in popup document list
  • Other minor improvements and fixes
Version 5.0.0 Release Date: 2017-05-24
  • Provide document layout options: Modern and Basic
  • Reduce saving process and speedup Preview and Export
  • Fix update process in Mac platform
Version 4.9.7 Release Date: 2017-04-27
  • Provide search box if there are many folders listed
  • Improve File Chooser dialog in Mac platform
  • Fix plugin support in Mac platform
  • Fix header height issue if stamp is added
Version 4.9.6 Release Date: 2017-03-29
  • Allow to choose range of month in Monthly Statement
  • Allow to consolidate records from multiple months to a single monthly statement
  • User defined Shortcut Key for common actions
  • Show workspace name in startup splash screen
  • Improve speed in loading Footer settings page
  • Fixed item not shown up in document list indexing issue
  • Fixed UI Font Zooming issue in Mac platform
  • Other UI Fixes
Version 4.9.5 Release Date: 2017-02-26
  • Document Windows, Customer, Supplier and Item List Windows will saved with Windows Size
  • Allow to rename "page" label in footer
  • Toast message shown when add item from item list to document
  • Improve internal log files processing
  • Enhance App Icon in Windows Platform
Version 4.9.4 Release Date: 2017-01-30
  • Show alert if the selected font does not support the input characters
  • Fix document label settings windows
  • Fix date format issue in Credit Note
Version 4.9.3 Release Date: 2017-01-03
  • Reduce database connection when opening document
  • Hide column if column width is set to 0mm
  • Fix Taxable column is not hidden issue when Hide All Tax items is set
  • Fix file lock issue when restoring backup
  • Increase log files capacity
  • Other minor fixes
Version 4.9.2 Release Date: 2016-11-30
  • Notes field supports bold, underline, and italic format
  • Improve shortcut key in Menu
  • Improve key control in Tabular UI
  • Fix backup issue
  • Fix switch workspace issue in software startup
  • Other minor fixes
Version 4.9.1 Release Date: 2016-11-04
  • Fix date settings in Report
  • Fix scrolling issue
  • Fix backup issue in Mac
Version 4.9.0 Release Date: 2016-10-11
  • Allow to open in read-only mode when second easybilling connect to the same workspace
  • Add right-click menu in text entry fields
  • Adjust scrolling speed
Version 4.8.3 Release Date: 2016-09-06
  • Option to hide all tax fields in software
  • Add "Discount" field in Purchase Order
  • Adjust line height in table in User Interface
  • Option to adjust location of duplicate label
  • Fix export issue in Report
  • Fix signature box issue in Export
  • Fix column issue in excel export of Invoice
  • Improve installation process (Windows/Mac)
Version 4.8.2 Release Date: 2016-08-11
  • Height of header will be adjusted automatically based on the logo size
  • Add No. and Supplier columns in Line Item of document
  • Allow to export for whole year in Monthly Statement and Monthly Statement for Supplier
  • Add Today and Yesterday option in reports
  • Fix export Excel error in Item List
Version 4.8.1 Release Date: 2016-07-13
  • New "Rounding Adjustment" field before Overall Total (Setup in menu "Customize Document > Document Preference")
  • Add Preview, Print Button in Report List
  • Update database supporting library
  • Fix background color of deposit field
Version 4.8.0 Release Date: 2016-06-15
  • Option to set default payment term for customer and supplier
  • When generate delivery note from invoice, shipping date will also be loaded
  • Improve shipping date field in Delivery Note, Ordering and Purchase Order
  • Monthly statement can be matched by shipping date instead of document date
  • New user interface for Quick Start Guide
  • Update supporting libraries
Version 4.7.5 Release Date: 2016-05-17
  • Improve document indexing speed
  • Improve keyboard control on document list: Press character key will jump to next document with customer starting with that character; Press Enter key to open and view document
  • Improve color display in document list
  • Support import from Excel file for Customer, Supplier and Item list
  • Fix address display issue in Monthly Statement
  • Fix wordings in user interface
Version 4.7.4 Release Date: 2016-04-20
  • Improve report generation process for Raw Data Export
  • Improve Customer Report and allow to list all customers
  • Fix wordings in user interface
Version 4.7.3 Release Date: 2016-03-22
  • Custom Field: Allow to add at most three custom fields
  • Add three new highlight color
  • Preview Windows in Customize Document can auto refresh
  • Improve printing label for duplicate/triplicate printing
  • Update supporting libraries
Version 4.7.2 Release Date: 2016-02-22
  • Support Print duplicate/triplicate copy
  • Optional Insurance field is added before Last Total in Quotation, Invoice, Receipt
  • Enhance compatibility of import file, support comma
  • Default workspace can be deleted
  • Rearrange Preference menu
  • Fix Preview in Document Labels
Version 4.7.1 Release Date: 2016-01-25
  • Option to add clickable link in Quotation and Invoice
  • Allow to paste multi-line address and break into pieces
  • Add zooming function to adjust the scaling of font and icon in User Interface
  • Simplify the process to move document between folders and resolve photo attachment issue
  • Fix settings of footer for receipt and purchase order
  • Fix line wrap in notes field
  • Update documentation
Version 4.7.0 Release Date: 2015-12-29
  • Allow to search by "Color Highlight" in Advanced Search
  • Improve the startup process
Version 4.6.4 Release Date: 2015-11-30
  • Provide Advanced Search function. Search documents by customer, item, notes etc.
  • Improve support on High-DPI monitor
  • Output documents supports Right to Left writing mode
Version 4.6.3 Release Date: 2015-11-05
  • Show information of last backup
  • Improve compatibility for import file with Chinese characters
  • Add Italian User Interface
  • Fix chequebook display issue in Report settings dialog
  • Fix compatiblity issue on Backup in Mac OS
Version 4.6.2 Release Date: 2015-10-05
  • Adjust height of document header dynamically
  • Reduce document file size
  • Improve the startup process
  • Improve compatibility of the upgrade process
Version 4.6.1 Release Date: 2015-09-07
  • Option to set default Company Stamp and Signature image to Left or Right signature boxes
  • Fix settings issue in PDF properties
  • Update supporting library for PDF generation
Version 4.6.0 Release Date: 2015-08-10
  • Provide Mac OSX version
  • Allow to set name for Notes
  • UI tweak on Folder Selection Windows
  • Speed up the report generation by reducing the document retrieving steps
Version 4.5.2 Release Date: 2015-07-15
  • Improve restore process, and the speed of restoration
  • Increase the size of Text Amounts box in Credit Note and Debit Note
  • Add console processing mode for debugging purpose
  • Fix windows size settings in first run of the software
  • Fix preview issue in document columns settings
  • Fix color highlight display issue when updating the document status in main screen
Version 4.5.1 Release Date: 2015-06-15
  • Speed up the search process in main screen
  • Reduce the processing steps in backup/restore
  • Improve backup/restore interface and show the current progress
  • Increase the width of barcode
Version 4.5.0 Release Date: 2015-05-20
  • Add optional date field after the signature fields
  • Fix the tax display in Tax Invoice
Version 4.4.4 Release Date: 2015-04-20
  • Extends existing invoice related report to support Tax Invoice
  • Fix Raw Data Export report to handle invalid documents]
  • Fix filter settings when software start
Version 4.4.3 Release Date: 2015-03-24
  • Improve indexing and searching algorithm on documents
  • Adapt new indexing mechanism, improve processing speed on report generation
  • Revise software update process
Version 4.4.2 Release Date: 2015-02-24
  • Option to show Status column in Monthly Statement
  • Add 2x4, 2x5, 3x4 photo layout in documents
  • Minor tweak on User Interface
Version 4.4.1 Release Date: 2015-01-27
  • New Document Type: Tax Invoice
  • Improve search in item, customer, supplier list
  • Reuse indexing data to speed up software startup speed
  • Improve the speed of document indexing
  • Simplify PDF export process
  • Improve Photo Preview windows and reduce memory usage
  • Update Documentation and Help File
Version 4.4.0 Release Date: 2015-01-03
  • Option to rearrange the columns of item list in documents
  • Other minor fixes
Version 4.3.2 Release Date: 2014-12-03
  • Enhance email sending process
  • Add document number option in footer
  • Allow text entry in Shipping Date
  • Improve Date Chooser dialog: add Today Button, Enrich the Highlight date
  • Remove extra blank line at the end of item list in document
  • Update supporting libraries
  • Other minor fixes
Version 4.3.1 Release Date: 2014-11-02
  • Allow to add extra blank line to item list in documents
  • Speedup restore process
  • Packing list can be generated from invoice
  • Other minor bugs fixed
Version 4.3.0 Release Date: 2014-10-09
  • Add new field "Customer Ref Number" to Quotation
  • Improve auto-recovery mechanism
Version 4.2.9 Release Date: 2014-09-10
  • Allow four decimal places for currency
  • Minor fix in Item List Export
Version 4.2.8 Release Date: 2014-08-12
  • Speed up document searching
  • Fix search issue in supplier list
  • Allow to press enter to start searching
  • Show sample download link if import fails
  • Improve stability
Version 4.2.7 Release Date: 2014-07-15
  • Add button to open report after exporting Raw Data Export report
  • Customer Payment Report changes to three columns (Total, Deposit, Balance Due)
  • Revise Software Update UI
Version 4.2.6 Release Date: 2014-06-20
  • Add color higlighted feature. Documents can be highlighted with different colors
  • Tax rate can be input with 3, 4 or more decimal points
  • Fixes the image preview windows in setting page
Version 4.2.5 Release Date: 2014-05-20
  • Allow to export Comment in Raw Data Export report
  • Add taxable column in Credit Note and Debit Note
Version 4.2.4 Release Date: 2014-04-23
  • Allow to set number of copy to keep in Regular Backup
  • Set shading on alternate row in Raw Data Export
  • Allow to start other workspaces if the startup workspace is not accessible
  • Reduce file size of documents
  • Fix right-shift issue on document number in Excel output
Version 4.2.3 Release Date: 2014-03-24
  • Add A5 Paper Size
  • Fix display issue on low resolution screen
Version 4.2.2 Release Date: 2014-02-26
  • Deleted folder will be moved to Recycle Bin, which can be restored later
  • Add "Load Company Address" button in Purchase Order
  • Better error handling in backup/restore process
  • Fix column display issue in Raw Data Export
  • Fixes in user interface
  • Update user manual and help file
Version 4.2.1 Release Date: 2014-01-29
  • Add "Total" column in document list
  • Column width in Document, Customer, Supplier, Item and Report List will be saved and retained on software restart.
  • Window size will be retained.
  • Add default sorting option in item list
  • Enhance the UI display of some buttons
Version 4.2.0 Release Date: 2014-01-01
  • Add Discount column in item list of documents
  • Reduce top margin
  • Increase content spacing for documents
  • Improve indexing of item and comment in document list
  • Fix the column display in raw data export
  • Fix column width in HTML export of document
Version 4.1.2 Release Date: 2013-11-26
  • Import Item supports Supplier colum
  • Improve document list refresh speed when updating document
  • Improve the loading speed for the first time PDF preview or export
  • Fix slow loading speed when generate from other document
  • Fix NaN issue in Html and Excel output of Packing List
Version 4.1.1 Release Date: 2013-10-30
  • Speed improvement in opening, previewing and printing document
  • Enhance the refresh of document list, and reduce database call
  • Fix column display issue in "Load to" document list
Version 4.1.0 Release Date: 2013-09-30
  • Add "Item" and "Comment" columns in document list
  • Barcode can be shown next to document number
  • New footer option: Page # of n
  • Optimize PDF generation process
  • Preserve highlighted items in document list when save/print/preview document
  • Preserve sorting status in document list when switching to different document folders
  • Fix:Photo attachments in PDF shows incorrect image, if the photos are reordered
  • Fix:Line 4-6 of address display issue in Raw Data Export
  • Fix:Footer width problem in Photo attachments in PDF
  • Update Help Files
Version 4.0.6 Release Date: 2013-09-03
  • Support right-click to change document status in document list
  • Add preview in Header/Footer settings
  • Support keyboard shortcuts Y/N for popup dialog
  • Improve software uninstall process
Version 4.0.5 Release Date: 2013-08-06
  • Add Supplier field in item
  • Add right click menu for Copy, Cut, Paste in the Notes field of documents
  • Enhance the Email process to improve the compatibility with different email clients
  • Enhance data restore process and improve the validation of backup zip file
  • Update database kernel
  • Improve the message dialog about database error
  • Other minor bugs fix
Version 4.0.4 Release Date: 2013-07-09
  • Add Tax Calculation feature. Tax amount can be calculated against Total or other tax fields
  • Add Tax 2 and Tax 3 fields in Credit Note and Debit Note
  • Fix the copy arrow bugs in Customer Info box in Quotation, Proforma Invoice and Invoice
  • Fix the Amount in Words bug and supports India Numbering System
  • Fix a minor issue in Registration box
Version 4.0.3 Release Date: 2013-06-11
  • Smoothen saving process in Document Label, Document Color page
  • Hide viewing button when document cannot be exported
  • Fixes create new currency issue
  • Fixes combo box display issue in document
Version 4.0.2 Release Date: 2013-05-14
  • Add "Amount in words" optional field in document
  • Adjust font size in Notes field
  • Fixes initialization of software update process
  • Fixes image display issue of Quick Export/Preview in main screen
  • Other software enhancements
Version 4.0.1 Release Date: 2013-04-15
  • New Document: Packing List
  • Update PDF generation kernel
  • Enhance support of install font
  • Allow to open file directly in the Report Export dialog
  • Optimize export and print process of report
  • Other bug fixes and improvement
Version 3.9.7 Release Date: 2013-03-20
  • Quick Export function is added to Report module. Reports can be exported to pre-defined folder in one click
  • Allow to set address margin in documents to fit Window Envelope
  • Revise the software update process and provide details update log
Version 3.9.6 Release Date: 2013-02-22
  • Fixes the customer name display issue in v3.9.5
  • (v3.9.5) Add "Status" field in documents to enhance document management
  • (v3.9.5) Update Quick Start Guide
  • (v3.9.5) Compatible with Windows 8
Version 3.9.5 Release Date: 2013-02-20
  • Add "Status" field in documents to enhance document management
  • Update Quick Start Guide
  • Compatible with Windows 8
Version 3.9.4 Release Date: 2013-01-22
  • Allow percentage input in Deposit field in Proforma Invoice and Invoice
  • Fix regular backup settings
  • Update user manual and help file
Version 3.9.3 Release Date: 2012-12-25
  • Close popup dialog with ESC key
  • Provide clear log function in Import Log file
Version 3.9.2 Release Date: 2012-11-27
  • Provide View Log button after importing file
  • Fix: Category display issue after editing, in customer/supplier/item list
  • Fix: Export issue in Monthly Statement/Supplier Monthly Statement
  • Other enhancments and fixes
Version 3.9.1 Release Date: 2012-10-30
  • Show file full path in Quick Export dialog
  • Optimize resource/ folder, reduce storage
  • Fix: duplicate file is created when exporting document to PDF
  • Fix: process error when removing supplier category
  • System optimize: Optimze chop/sign settings process
Version 3.9.0 Release Date: 2012-10-02
  • Add two new reports: Supplier Report and Monthly Statement for Supplier
  • Allow to add image as document footer
Version 3.8.5 Release Date: 2012-09-07
  • Add "Paid" and "Total Due" fields in Receipt
  • Improve registration process and raise the speed 50%
Version 3.8.4 Release Date: 2012-08-14
  • Tools Box supports Thumb view and List view
  • Fixed the currency display in PDF output of two monthly reports
Version 3.8.3 Release Date: 2012-07-11
  • Extend PDF Attachment feature to all types of document
  • Extend Image Attachment feature to all types of document
  • Fix the header display issue in Monthly Statement
Version 3.8.2 Release Date: 2012-06-14
  • PDF file can be added to Quotation, Proforma Invoice or Invoice as attachment
  • Invoice can be generated from Delivery Note
  • Bug fixed on document version saved
  • Minor tweak on user interface
Version 3.8.1 Release Date: 2012-05-15
  • Credit note and debit note can be generated from quotation, proforma invoice, invoice and receipt.
  • Save document as file function supports multiple document selection
  • Load document from file function supports multiple document selection
Version 3.8.0 Release Date: 2012-04-18
  • Fix Packing Slip and allow decimal input in quantity
  • Provide alert if raw data export file is locked by other applications
  • Setup security question which help to retrieve system password
  • Add Quick Export function to allow the document exported to default folder
  • Provide preview option in right click menu of document list
Version 3.7.1 Release Date: 2012-03-20
  • Add optional third tax field
  • Simplify address printing process
  • Provide option in Restore dialog. Existing data can be moved to a temporary folder. User can rollback if needed
  • In Update dialog, provides details update description
Version 3.7.0 Release Date: 2012-02-22
  • Add Spec column in item and document list
  • Fix bug when save document to a file
  • Fix bug when drag document into other folder
Version 3.6.3 Release Date: 2012-01-25
  • The width of Tools Box on the left can be adjusted
  • If the file is locked and cannot be written when exporting, alert message will show out
  • Fix the issue if import item list with non-numeric price/cost
  • Update Documentation
  • Update Help files
Version 3.6.2 Release Date: 2011-12-26
  • New report will be shown on the report list once saved
  • Keep the maximize status of main windows
Version 3.6.1 Release Date: 2011-11-28
  • Revise the font size and height of note in HTML and Excel output
  • Fix second tax display in Excel output of Invoice
  • Fix the validation issue in offline registration
  • Revise the permission settings when installing the software
Version 3.6.0 Release Date: 2011-11-01
  • Address can now be printed on envelope
  • Improve the quality of address printing
  • Add Tax field in Credit Note and Debit Note
  • Monthly Reports default set as currenty year
  • Minor adjustment on License Registration dialog
Version 3.5.2 Release Date: 2011-10-04
  • Provide default sorting for Supplier List
  • Adjust default sorting for customer list
  • Reset the shortcut key in Document windows
  • Fixed the image display issue in Document Version
  • Revised the wording used in User Interface
Version 3.5.1 Release Date: 2011-09-06
  • Add Delivery Time field in Ordering
  • Provides six lines for address fields
Version 3.5.0 Release Date: 2011-08-08
  • Provide date filter in document list
  • Add Total field before the Tax in Quotation, Invoice, Receipt.
  • Allow to append note into the Notes field
  • Provide Preview button in document list when loading from document
  • Add Delivery Time field in Delivery Note
  • Add new Date Format, and date separator
Version 3.4.2 Release Date: 2011-07-11
  • Resolve PDF generation error with invalid letterhead height input
  • Provide meaningful title for various dialog of Settings
Version 3.4.1 Release Date: 2011-06-14
  • In the total calculation block of document, tax fields will shown with currency symbol if tax amount is input.
Version 3.4.0 Release Date: 2011-05-16
  • allow to select multiple documents to edit, print, move or delete
  • allow to select multiple reports to edit or delete
  • show document last modified date in private tab
Version 3.3.2 Release Date: 2011-04-18
  • Enhance Software Update process
  • Fixed delete operation in supplier list
  • Option to show Order Number in Monthly Statement
Version 3.3.1 Release Date: 2011-03-22
  • Provide default option for stamp, sales person, shipping term, payment term and note.
  • Adjust header in monthly statement
  • Fixed in column width in item list
  • Fixed missing option for note in packing slip
Version 3.3.0 Release Date: 2011-02-22
  • Provide private tab in documents to store internal comments
  • Reduce the loading for report generation
  • User Interface fix for document columns
  • Show number in Indian style when chosing Indian Rupee currency
Version 3.2.3 Release Date: 2011-01-24
  • Enhance Monthly Statement. Allows to list invoice of all customer in monthly statement
Version 3.2.2 Release Date: 2010-12-27
  • Invoice can be generated from Proforma Invoice
  • When restoring backup data, the registration information will be kept
  • When preparing document, the folders in document list are shown in color
  • Enhance the version upgrade process to accommodate the server-side operation and reduce the size of upgrade pack.
Version 3.2.1 Release Date: 2010-11-29
  • Purchase Order can be generated from Invoice and Proforma Invoice
  • Document can be moved to other folder by drag and drop
  • Minor tweak in Delivery Note and Ordering
Version 3.2.0 Release Date: 2010-11-01
  • User can choose different color for document folder
  • Beside Currency List, default currency can also be set in Preference
  • Minor tweak in registration dialog
Version 3.1.3 Release Date: 2010-10-05
  • Two new fields, Order Number and Shipping Term, are added in Packing Slip
  • Revise Help File
  • Revise registration process to facilitate the upgrade of license validation in server side
Version 3.1.2 Release Date: 2010-09-06
  • Provide "Select All" button in Raw Data Export Report for better control
  • Fix the issue about Package Slip cannot show Notes in output
Version 3.1.1 Release Date: 2010-08-08
  • Support different paper sizes: A4, Legal and Letter
  • Purchase Order can be generated from Quotation
  • Add Cost column into Item and used for Purchase Order
  • Provide Supplier List and can be loaded into Purchase Order
  • Allow double click to load item to documents
  • Allow to delete font in Font List
  • Show information of new version after update
  • Revise registration process
  • Bug Fixed when importing CSV item with Chinese Character
Version 3.1.0 Release Date: 2010-07-11
  • Provide automatic version update feature for registered copy
  • Enhance startup performance by dynamic loading
  • Shows Currency in Monthly Statement Report
  • Give alert message when deleting non-empty folder
  • Option to shift document for punch hole
  • Enhance license security
  • Bug fixed: Remove leading space in fax and registry number in header
Version 3.0.3 Release Date: 2010-06-15
  • Document can now be generated from different types of documents(Quotation, Proforma, Invoice and Receipt)
  • Speedup loading time for reports
  • Minor bug fixed in right click menu of Report Module
Version 3.0.2 Release Date: 2010-05-17
  • New Feature: Regular Backup before closing software
  • Check backup storage location for data integrity
  • Provides alert message for non-standard logo or header file size
  • Minor bug fix on Monthly Statement
Version 3.0.1 Release Date: 2010-04-19
  • Speedup PDF generation process by accessing data directly without global search
  • Improve Report generation process by removing redundant saving process
  • Report can only be previewed/printed once the generation is completed
  • Provide PDF viewer setting menu
Version 3.0.0 Release Date: 2010-03-20
  • Support multiple workspaces to manage documents of different companies
  • Fine tune the margin of page footer
  • Provide new time range criteria, Current Month and Previous Month, in Global Report, Customer Report, Tax Payable Report, and Raw Data Export
  • Provide option to load PDF viewer if no file association is setup
  • Minor bug fixed on page footer of Purchase Order
  • Provide right-click menu for license registration
  • Fully support installation on Non-English Windows
  • Provides Auto-recovery features for database configuration file to enhance stability of software
Version 2.8.2 Release Date: 2010-02-22
  • Provide option to choose attachment format when sending email
  • Strengthen license validation process for Windows 7
  • Enhance searching ability in document list to search document contents
Version 2.8.1 Release Date: 2010-01-25
  • Allow to alter header and footer text label
  • Enhance the startup screen and loading process
  • Enhance the installation wizard to support Windows 7
  • Bug fixed in Purchase Order footer text label
  • Clean up associated folder in HTML and Excel output
  • Reduce resources consumption in PDF generation
Version 2.8.0 Release Date: 2009-12-28
  • Improve the loading speed and resources usage of the document list.
  • Relocate the two address boxes of customer to match the document layout.
  • Provides default entries for payment term and shipping term.
  • Enhance User Interface of Report to have a intuitive regeneration process.
  • Provides quick add button for drop down list.
  • Provide tool tips for drop down list.
  • Bug fixed on storing text to note storage.
Version 2.7.0 Release Date: 2009-11-30
  • Provides search box in document list when generating invoice and receipt from quotation.
  • Retrieve documents solely from active folders for report.
  • Build pre-defined folder in program startup.
  • Bug fixed on page number in Quotation and Invoice with photo attachments.
Version 2.6.4 Release Date: 2009-11-02
  • Make Total field in Quotation as optional. User can create Quotation that does not have Total field.
Version 2.6.3 Release Date: 2009-10-05
  • Provide Photo Attachment feature for Quotation, Proforma Invoice and Invoice
  • Provide category feature in Item and Customer Listing for better organization and management
  • Allows to change the column display in document, customer, item and report listing
  • Database Kernel tuning and resolve locking issue
Version 2.6.2 Release Date: 2009-09-07
  • Version Increment for license security
Version 2.6.1 Release Date: 2009-08-10
  • New Report: Monthly Statement
  • Provide default option for "Hide Empty Field"
  • Preserve leading empty space in line item entry
  • Bug Fix on item import with double quote
Version 2.6.0 Release Date: 2009-07-14
  • Improve the loading time for program startup.
  • Improve the speed in running Raw Data Export report.
  • New database kernel for stability and better performance.
  • Document can be saved as version. Old versions can be recalled as PDF.
  • Document Properties is provided which show the last modified time.
  • Support multiple delete in Customer List, Item List, Terms/Stamp/Sales and other lists.
Version 2.5.3 Release Date: 2009-06-15
  • Enhance Folder Management: Documents can only be saved in folder, Document with same filename can be saved freely
  • Minor bug fixed in "Print all address label"
  • Revise Help File
Version 2.5.2 Release Date: 2009-05-18
  • Provide arrow button to reorder the item list in document
  • Provide tool-tips for buttons in document
Version 2.5.1 Release Date: 2009-04-20
  • Provide Taxable column in Quotation, Proforma Invoice and Purchase Order
  • Provide Recycle Bin. Deleted documents will be kept in the Recycle Bin which can be restored later.
  • Add second "Tax" field
Version 2.5.0 Release Date: 2009-03-25
  • Provides Search box in Main Windows
  • Add "Taxable" column in Invoice and Receipt
  • Allows to adjust the column width or hide the column
  • Raw Data Export Report allows to choose the document fields
  • Precise printing on header of documents in PDF/Excel/HTML
  • Improve the speed of document listing and sorting
  • Standardize the date format with leading zero
  • Improve Report Criteria section in PDF output
  • Simplify startup process in trial version
  • Automatic logging on exception/error events
  • Provide upgrade patching tool
  • Fine tune spacing in PDF output
  • Bug fixed of missing 2nd statement on R.H.S signature box in Excel output
Version 2.4.2
  • Performance Tuning: Improve program loading time
  • Make address box wider in document output
  • Reduce signature box size to save space in PDF output
  • Duplicate entry in currency, stamp, terms, note, label, sales is not allowed
  • Minor Interface Fixed: Header Windows, Usage tips of Preview Button and Sales Selection Box in Document Windows
Version 2.4.1
  • Three additional Date Format is provided.
  • Provides Print button in main windows to print documents
  • User Interface Enhancement on Document Sorting, File Open Dialog, Header Windows
  • Minor Bug Fixed on Default Option Box and HTML output in Receipt
  • Minor Bug Fixed on Criteria shown in HTML/Excel Report.
Version 2.4.0
  • New Report Type: Tax Payable Report
  • Speedup the loading and parsing process on loading document
  • Refined the HTML and Excel output of all types of document
  • Provide "Print Address" button in all types of document
  • Bug fixed on Date display in some specific timezone
  • Minor bug fix on Report page and Export frame
  • Lists under Settings are sorted by Name
  • Refined registration process
Version 2.3.0
  • New document is added: Purchase Order
  • Note Storage Improvement
  • Revise Tax Input: Support amount and percentage
  • Revise Discount Input: Support amount and percentage
  • Minor User Interface Enhancement: Import Button, Default Color, Excel output
Version 2.2.0
  • Two new documents are added: Packing Slip and Ordering
  • Enhance user interface on customize document
  • Enhance Raw Data Output; Revise Help and Online documentation
Version 2.1.0
  • Add "Discount" field in Quotation, Proforma Invoice, Invoice and Receipt
  • Add "Note" field in Receipt
  • Extend the Note field to full width and allows empty line item
  • Option "Hide empty field in output" in documents
  • Revise document header & footer
  • Reorganize menu
  • Upgraded run-time kernel
  • New option to show or hide the note field in documents
Version 2.0.2
  • New option to show or hide the note field in documents
  • A new and clear "Browse" button
  • Minor bug fixed on Address Label and Currency List
  • A new splash screen
Version 2.0.1
  • Allows Delivery Note generate from Invoice
  • Adjust column width for user interface and PDF output
  • Proforma Invoice Provides new document Proforma Invoice
  • Support CYMK image
  • Provides "Allow copy/print/edit" PDF option
  • Allows print all customers in address label
Version 2.0.0
  • New Document Types Credit Note & Debit Note
  • PDF outputs are tagged with Document information on Properties
Version 1.9.3
  • Email sending support. Documents can be sent as attachment using default email client.
  • Receipt can be generated from Invoice directly
  • Document footer can be customized. Date, page number and custom entry can be placed on left, center or right of the footer.
Version 1.9.2
  • Provides copy & paste option
  • Store "last open folder"
Version 1.9.1
  • Provides option to print with full letterhead image
  • Support "Company Chop" & "Signature" images print on signature box in documents
  • Support default "Company Chop" & "Signature" images uploading
  • Provides traditional and simplified chinese online documentation
Version 1.9.0
  • Provides PDF output with color. The quotation, invoice, receipt and delivery note can be printed with different color to fit your company needs
  • Provides option to change the PDF output: Border and Shadow
  • Enhance User Interface
  • Support Multiple Currency
  • User can maintain the currency list in menu Settings > Currency
Version 1.8.0 & older
  • Enhance compatibility with Windows Vista
  • Optional to change label of "Document Name"
  • Support Simplified Chinese interface
  • Address label can be printed from the documents directly
  • Customer information can be printed on address label
  • Allow to install own font
  • Fully support unicode
  • Provides search features when adding item in documents
  • License Validation:
    Enhance license validation for security
  • Additional "Quantity" column added in Receipt
  • Support option for currency subunit 0.00 or 0.000
  • Support print on letterhead paper
  • Data transfer between from Quotation to Invoice
  • Auto-adjust document header fitting
  • New Column in Line Item: Unit
  • Additional line for Company Name in Settings
  • Enhance Folder Management
    include folder ordering and archive
  • Date format Option
  • Signature box is provided:
    All documents are provided with two signature box at the bottom of the document
  • Document Stamp is added:
    A red stamp can be added to document to indicate the document status.
  • Sales Document can be saved into and load from file.
  • New Document Added: Delivery Note
  • Column Width Adjustment in PDF output
  • New Column "Customer" is added in the main windows tabular
  • PDF output enhancement: Space adjustment and Text Alignment
  • Font Size selection
  • Font selection
  • Tax Amount Calculation:
    If tax rate is provided, the tax amount will be calculated automatically
  • Receipt format revised:
    Remove the Payee Box
  • Sales Person List maintenance and combo box selection in document
  • Default value settings for option box in the documents
  • Menu Item "Preference":
    New menu item "Preference" is added, includes Font Size, Font Type, Tax Rate, PDF Viewer
  • Default document quantity as 1
  • Remove button is provided for line item in all documents
  • New report type:
    Raw Data Export report is added
  • Default document date to current date
  • Notes Storage list is provided
EasyBilling Invoicing Software Box Shot

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