Under "Tools Box", select the cheque book which you like to issue cheque from.
Click the [New Cheque] icon in Tool Bar.
A "Cheque" window is shown out.
Three buttons are provided at the top.
"Payment Voucher" - You can create a Payment Voucher associated to this cheque.
"Load from Template" - You can load the cheque info from a pre-saved cheque template.
"Save as Template" - Existing cheque information can be saved as template which can be used later.
The explanation of input fields are given below.
"Account" field shows which account this cheque belongs to.
The cheque number is assigned according to the sequence defined in the Cheque Book. But, you can click to override it.
By default, "Date" will be assigned with today value. Click to choose a different date.
You have different options specified for the cheque, like "A/C Payee Only". If the option is not defined in the cheque template, the option will be greyed out.
Payee can be typed directly or load from payee list by clicking . You can also save the Payee into Payee List directly by clicking .
Amount input will be shown, in the cheque, in number and also in word.
Particulars & Audit Code are for internal account and audit purpose. These two fields will not be shown in the cheque.