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Shortcut keys to make your windows operation smoother and quicker

WINKEY+D (Desktop)

This is the most frequently used windows key
shortcut. You can make all the opened windows minimized and show the desktop. If
you hit the keys again, all the minimized windows will show out again.


You are no need to use the mouse to click “Start >
Find > Files or Folders”. You just use WINKEY+F, it will show the search

WINKEY+E (Explorer)

If you need to open the File Explorer, this
shortcut key is very useful, your hand is no need to leave the keyboard to
control the mouse.


You may need to use “Start > Run” to open the Run
dialog. The quicker way to open run dialog is to use WINKEY+R.


If you open many applications/windows, you will find these keys
are useful. It can shows all the opened windows name and icon. You just choose
from it and release the key, the chosen application will bring to the front.

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