Web traffic analysis is important in tuning search engine optimization and marketing campaigns.
If you’re never did web traffic analysis before, it is a bit difficult to start with. There are so many data and results, e.g. data related to visitor, keywords, browsers, etc.
You can try to focus on the following information first:
1. What sites are sending you visitors? Which sites send you most?
2. What search engines are sending you traffic? Which sites did the best?
3. What keyword phrases are people using to find your site? Which keywords did the best?
4. How often are major search engine indexing robots visiting your site?
By reviewing the data, you can see what search engines are producing traffic for you. If you are running advertising on a site, you should also be able to track the campaign. You can know which search engines/sites you should put advertisement/pay-per-click to.
The keywords data can bring some new ideas about keywords. You may found that there are many keywords may not match with your meta tag and you can try to change your meta tag to fit with them.
In reviewing your data, you can find out how often the search-engine robots visit your site. It is better if you can update your website before next visit.

Hey Good Blog! Just curious, how effective is search engine optimisation when it comes to selling an offline product or service. I see pages all the time that promote a web primarily based product (e-book, amazon.com and many others), but when I want to promote say a personal trainer – is the online an effective means to do that? Have you learnt of any examples of this? Anyway, thanks upfront for any help. 🙂