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Five Writing Tips for a Good Web Page

Prioritise Information

First you should place important information at the top of the page. You should state your main points clearly at the very beginning.
Don’t start your web page with a long paragraph. You have only few seconds to attract your visitor keep reading your page. Long paragraph will anony your visitors and they may visit other pages instead.

Avoid Long Sentences

Use active voice and bullet point can keep your page clear and easy-to-follow. Long sentense will make visitors difficult to follow your points and ideas. It’s even better if you can add header to your paragraph.

Avoid Distractions

Keep your page simple and tidy. You can add some images or simple animation to make your pages rich. But if you put too much flash, animation, and popup windows, these will distract the visitors. These distraction will blur your main statement of the web page.

Consistent Page Structure

The page structure of your web site should be consistence. You should keep your navigation menu at the same place in every web page. It’s also true for the copy right message and your contact method.

Simple Navigation

A simple navigation can make visitors feel comfort to visit your web site. Do not put more than seven items in any level of your menu and you should not make more than three level of your menu.

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