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Tips to use Cheque Safely

Cross the Cheque
By draw two parallel lines across the left hand corner of the cheque, this crossing can prevent the cheque from being directly encashed. The crossed cheque must be deposited into a bank account. If the cheque has been stolen, it is easily traced by locating the account it was deposited into.

Keep Cheque Clean and Tidy
Keep the cheque clean and tidy can ensure the cheque clearing process smooth. It is important especially you should not write any to cover the MICR font of your account information in the lower part of the cheque.

Check before issuing cheque
Before issuing a cheque, you should ensure the signatures are identical to the one used in your bank account. Also, you should check all fields have been filled in correctly. You are advised to double check for the date, amount and the payee name.

Lost or Stolen Cheque
Lost or stolen cheque should be reported to the Bank immediately. You may also report to the police.

ChequeSystem Cheque Printing and Management Software
More than cheque writer. ChequeSystem print and manage your cheques.

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