1. “Bookmark This Site”
It is important to ask your visitors to bookmark your web site. This can increase the chance the visitor re-visits your website.
It is difficult for visitor to remember your website address. But if they bookmark your website, the name and address of your website will be listed in the visitor’s bookmark. They can easily locate your website and revisit again. This is your main source of “re-visit” traffic.
It is also important to let visitor knows your website will be updated regularly.
2. “Tell Your Friend”
“Word-of-Mouth” is important. Customer referrals is one of the main sales and marketing tools and sources of new business.
Ask your visitors to refer your web site to a friend. They may know someone that find interest in visiting your web site.
This is one of the important source of “targeted” traffic.
Create a web form for visitors to fillin the email address of their friends. You can also allow them to fillin the comment in the form too.
3. “Subscribe To E-Newsletter”
Ask your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter.
You can send the subscribers newsletter regularly and this can remind the visitors to re-visit your website.
The newsletter not only keep contacts with your visitors, but also promote your products/services.