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Text Selection in Microsoft Word

There are many quick shortcuts provided in MS-Word which helps you select text in your word document.

– General Selection
Click on the start of selection, hold down the left mouse button while drag the cursor over the text.

– Single Word
Double-click on the word

– Line
Move the cursor to the left, it will change to a right-pointing arrow, and then click your mouse.

– Sentence
Hold down CTRL button, and then click on the sentence.

– Paragraph
Triple-click on the paragraph.

– Block of Text
Click on the start of selection, scroll the page, and hold down SHIFT button while click on the end of your selection.

– Vertical block of text
Hold down ALT button while drag the cursor over the text

– Whole Document
Move the cursor to the left, it will change to a right-pointing arrow, and then triple-click your mouse.

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1 thought on “Text Selection in Microsoft Word”

  1. Excellent blog post, I’ve just stumbled up on this website searching search engines for Microsoft office guidance. I want to know if anybody could help me with a little dilemma? I am trying to figure out how to show the current word count but it is not showing up, I’m using 2007.

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