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Knowledge Sharing

Put your folder into a more convenient place

We will create a desktop shortcut for those frequently used folder. Actually, there are two other places we can put a shortcut for these frequently used folder. #1 Task bar If we can put the folder on the task bar, it is much convenient. In fact, we can do that on task bar. Right click the empty space on task … Read more

Shortcut keys to make your windows operation smoother and quicker

WINKEY+D (Desktop) This is the most frequently used windows key shortcut. You can make all the opened windows minimized and show the desktop. If you hit the keys again, all the minimized windows will show out again. WINKEY+F (Find) You are no need to use the mouse to click “Start > Find > Files or Folders”. You just use WINKEY+F, … Read more

A better and faster browser: Firefox

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is one of the most often used, programs on the world’s personal computers. But Microsoft hasn’t made any important functional improvements in Internet Explorer for years. We only heard about the security issues, or patch release about IE. Another browser Firefox become more and more familiar and more than ten million user switch to use it. It … Read more