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Knowledge Sharing

How content attract long term traffic?

People says content can attract long term traffic, but how? 1. Traffic from search engine Search engine crawlers love content. They will crawl the website content to enrich their data. The more content in your website, the more webpage is indexed by the search engines. Of course, you need to ensure your content is valuable and not duplicate. You should … Read more

Keyword Relevancy and Popularity

Choosing the right keywords is always challenging. There are two factors you need to consider in selecting keywords, they are relevance and popularity. If you select a keyword or keyword phrase that is highly relevant but is never searched on, your product will never been shown to the customer. You cannot make any money from it. On the other hand, … Read more

Search engine ranking drops. What should I do?

Web site traffic is really important for the online business. The search engine ranking is the most determistic factor of the web site traffic. It is really annoying if you find your search engine ranking drops. This will greatly affect your web site traffic which may have a great impact on your web site business. If you find your search … Read more

First Study on Web Traffic Analysis

Web traffic analysis is important in tuning search engine optimization and marketing campaigns. If you’re never did web traffic analysis before, it is a bit difficult to start with. There are so many data and results, e.g. data related to visitor, keywords, browsers, etc. You can try to focus on the following information first: 1. What sites are sending you … Read more

Google tools drive traffic to your website

If you want to increase your website traffic or increase the ranking in Google, you may find the following Google tools useful. #1 Google Webmaster Section http://www.google.com/webmasters/ The Google Webmaster Section should be your first stop when you want to know more about what things can be done to improve your website in related with Google. Particularly for new site … Read more