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Knowledge Sharing

Few tools to enhance your search engine optimization

This week we will introduce three tools which can help you in enhancing your search engine optimization. These tools are free. #1 http://www.webconfs.com/domain-stats.php It’s a webpage to return statistics about your domain. The statistics include Alexa Taffic Rank, Age of the domains, Yahoo WebRank, count of backlinks and number of pages indexed in Google, Yahoo, and Msn. #2 http://www.123promotion.co.uk/tools/robotstxtgenerator.php It’s … Read more

The Site Map: Important or Not?

When you take a in-depth study in your web site statistics, you will find that very few people were visiting the site map. Visitors to your site will almost never use them. You may even forget you have one. You will certainly forget to update it as often as you should. However, the site map is a important component of … Read more

Google tools drive traffic to your website

If you want to increase your website traffic or increase the ranking in Google, you may find the following Google tools useful. #1 Google Webmaster Section http://www.google.com/webmasters/ The Google Webmaster Section should be your first stop when you want to know more about what things can be done to improve your website in related with Google. Particularly for new site … Read more