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Don’t send marketing email during holidays

An email marketing campaign is one of the cheapest ways that can be used to promote product to customers. Even it is cheap, you still need to take every steps to achieve a higher success rate. To perform a success email marketing campaign, you need to have: – comprehensive recipients list – good email software – attractive and well designed … Read more

Besides email marketing, email can provide more…

Send email to promote products, or call Email marketing, is very common today. Email is already became the most efficient and cost-effective tool for product promotion. Personalized Email can greatly enhance the effectiveness of email marketing. Personalized email is to provide personalized information in the email to fit every recipient and send him or her individually. Actually, email is an … Read more

Use email marketing wisely, Stand out from junk mail

Email Marketing is the most cheapest and efficient way to promote products. However, under tons of junk mail, your marketing mail always be neglected and put into the wastebasket. To stand out from the junk mails, follow the suggestions below to increase the power of your email marketing. 1. No image only email, use text mail instead First, email with … Read more