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Knowledge Sharing

10 Easy Ways to Protect Your Computer

1. If you are using Windows XP, always turn on the firewall. 2. Run anti-virus program everyday. 3. Run anti-spyware/adaware once a week. 4. Apply latest updates & service packs. Not only for Windows, but also for other software. 5. Run defragmentation, disk clean up, registry scanner once a week. 6. Turn on the pop-up blocker in your browser. 7. … Read more

Simple tips to protect your computer away from virus and spyware

To protect your computer, you should install anti-virus software and firewall. They can keep you away from virus and spyware. But you need to take care when you reading email, download software and surfing the web. 1. Think before opening any email attachment If you don’t know the sender, don’t open the attachment and delete it. If it is from … Read more