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Knowledge Sharing

Seven Beginner Tips for Pay-Per-Click Advertisement

1. Have a Negative Keywords List Use negative keywords so that your ad does not appear for search terms that are not relevant to you. 2. Pay Attention to Quality Score Higher Quality Score gives you higher ranking with lower cost 3. Separate / Create Keyword Buckets for Each AdGroup You can ensure that the text in every ads explicitly … Read more

Five Common Mistakes in Using Google Adwords

Google Adwords is an easy to use pay-per-click advertisement. You can build and show your advertisement in Search Engine within 30 minutes. As the simplicity and ease of use, many people simply fillin their advertisements and want to get profit from it. But, in fact, many people cannot achieve great profit from and some even get loss on it. It … Read more

Protect Your PocketPC If You Want Them To Last

PocketPC or PocketPC Phone is common today. People always tap on the PPC and look for information or making a call. While enjoying the convenience and effectiveness brings from your PPC, you also need to consider the protection on your PPC. You should protect your PPC in two areas: Software and Physical 1. Software Protection Your desktop and laptop computers … Read more

Learn how to adjust your Pay-Per-Click advertisement

Pay-Per-Click advertisement (PPC) is very common today. You can always find some advertisement on search engines, web directory, portal site, or many other web site. You can make a PPC easily on Google or Yahooo. They provides a friendly interfaces for you create an advertisement, find keywords, make your bid and provides lot of statistic data. When you post a … Read more

Pay-per-click Ad: Simple & Cheap online advertisement

Pay per click advertisement (PPC) is a simple and cheap way to promote online and generate website traffic. The cost to make PPC is not high, you can build the advertisement and select the keywords by yourself. In traditional advertisement, the rate is directly related to time and place the ad displayed. However, the rate of PPC does not related … Read more

Tips to generate traffic, increase visibility, and let the world know your website

Many clients talk to us and ask about “how to increase website traffic”. They said they have get the website ready, optimize and get it listed in the search engine. But the traffic of their website is still very low. There are different techniques to advertise your product or your website and drive tons of qualified traffic. Here are some … Read more