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Knowledge Sharing

Where to Put Keywords to Enhance Search Engine Ranking

Keywords play an important role in search engine optimization. It affects search engine ranking of your website. You need to put keywords into different places of your webpage, like Title, Description, First Paragraph. But which one are the most important and have higher impact on the search engine ranking. Here’s the list shows the importance of the places to add … Read more

Seven Beginner Tips for Pay-Per-Click Advertisement

1. Have a Negative Keywords List Use negative keywords so that your ad does not appear for search terms that are not relevant to you. 2. Pay Attention to Quality Score Higher Quality Score gives you higher ranking with lower cost 3. Separate / Create Keyword Buckets for Each AdGroup You can ensure that the text in every ads explicitly … Read more

First Study on Web Traffic Analysis

Web traffic analysis is important in tuning search engine optimization and marketing campaigns. If you’re never did web traffic analysis before, it is a bit difficult to start with. There are so many data and results, e.g. data related to visitor, keywords, browsers, etc. You can try to focus on the following information first: 1. What sites are sending you … Read more

Learn how to adjust your Pay-Per-Click advertisement

Pay-Per-Click advertisement (PPC) is very common today. You can always find some advertisement on search engines, web directory, portal site, or many other web site. You can make a PPC easily on Google or Yahooo. They provides a friendly interfaces for you create an advertisement, find keywords, make your bid and provides lot of statistic data. When you post a … Read more

Pay-per-click Ad: Simple & Cheap online advertisement

Pay per click advertisement (PPC) is a simple and cheap way to promote online and generate website traffic. The cost to make PPC is not high, you can build the advertisement and select the keywords by yourself. In traditional advertisement, the rate is directly related to time and place the ad displayed. However, the rate of PPC does not related … Read more

Optimize website keyword, Obtain higher page rank

This week, we will talk about how to use website keyword optimization to improve the page rank of the search engine. 1. Page Title You should provide a meaningful page title to every web page. Don’t just put your company name there. You should give a page title that shows the content of the page. Remember, the title will be … Read more