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Knowledge Sharing

TheSage – A Must Have Dictionary and Thesaurus Freeware

TheSage is a complete dictionary and a multifaceted thesaurus of the English language. TheSage provides a comprehensive searching mechanism. It allows you to search for a specific word by typing it directly, using a wildcard search, anagram search, phonetic wildcard search. The program offers a unique structured display of the search result. It used a tree structure with different colors … Read more

Wordweb: A Powerful Free English Thesaurus and Dictionary

This week we will introduce you a free tool: WordWeb. Wordweb is a powerful free English thesaurus and dictionary. It comes with a local database of definitions which make it runs very fast. In addition it offers to look up the word over the Internet if it is not found in the local database. It includes a comprehensive English thesaurus … Read more

Online tools make translation (Chinese/English) easier

Today we will introduce several online tools that our team frequent use. These all may help to do translations, especially in Chinese (traditional and simplified) and English. 1. Google http://www.google.com.hk Yes. The first one to introduce is Google. Google is not only a search engine; it is also a simple but good enough translation tool. In the search box, type … Read more