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The Asterisk and Cheque Security

Asterisk on Cheque

A surprisingly important symbol, the asterisk plays a significant role in check security. Its strategic placement can deter fraud and ensure efficient processing of financial transactions. This article examines the reasoning behind the use of asterisks on checks and outlines best practices for their application. The Asterisk’s Role in Cheque Security The primary reason for placing asterisks before and after … Read more

Comprehensive Guide to Manage Cheque Book and Writing Cheque

Manage Your Cheque Book – Keep cheque book in a safe place. – Never pre-sign blank cheque. – Issue the cheques according to the cheque number sequence, which can help to keep track your cheque records easily. – Always keep a record of the cheque amount, date, and payee. It’s even better to write down what the cheque for. – … Read more

Tips to use Cheque Safely

Cross the Cheque By draw two parallel lines across the left hand corner of the cheque, this crossing can prevent the cheque from being directly encashed. The crossed cheque must be deposited into a bank account. If the cheque has been stolen, it is easily traced by locating the account it was deposited into. Keep Cheque Clean and Tidy Keep … Read more

How to write a cheque

When preparing a cheque, a lot of people forget to fill out something on a cheque. It is troublesome if the cheque cannot be drawn and bounced. Check list for writing a cheque. – Write the date on the cheque. – Fill in the name of the payee legibly and correctly. Write as close to “Pay” (the left) as possible. … Read more