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Knowledge Sharing

VirusTotal Scans individual files on demand

VirusTotal is a free online virus and malware scanning tool. It analyzes suspicious files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by antivirus engines. This online scanning tool can scan your file against multiple antivirus engine. The unique features provided by VirusTotal – Free, independent service – Use of multiple antivirus engines … Read more

Avira AntiVir Personal: A Free Personal Use Antivirus software

Avira AntiVir Personal offers the protection against computer viruses for the individual and private use on a single PC-workstation. It can detects over 50,000 viruses and an Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating. It also has a effective tools to remove the detcted virus. The built-in Virus Guard monitors file movements automatically, for example when downloading files from the internet. It … Read more