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Search engine ranking drops. What should I do?

Web site traffic is really important for the online business. The search engine ranking is the most determistic factor of the web site traffic. It is really annoying if you find your search engine ranking drops. This will greatly affect your web site traffic which may have a great impact on your web site business.

If you find your search engine ranking drops, you should check the following items to locate the reason and get it solved.

1. List out any changes you’ve made on your website. Verify the changes are correct and without any errors. It is always easy to bring errors into the website when you update the content or design. For example,
– the change make the sitemap become invalid.
– forget to upload supporting files (like images) for the new pages

2. Go throught the web site page by page manually. Try to identify any errors.

3. Study the access log and locate any error pages accessed.

4. Contact Web Hosting company and check for any hosting down recently.

5. Check the freshness of web content. Out-of-date contents may affect your page ranking.

6. Identify any content/keywords that may be banned.

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