The highly popular of digital camera which brings us thousands or even ten thousands photos in our computer. To manage this hugh amount of photo is really difficult. Those general photo software only emphasis on photo editing or viewing, they always ignore the needs on the management. Today we will introduce a photo software, it not only have editing and viewing function, but also a powerful management function.
Picasa software is a Google’s product and it’s free. Let us have a quick look on Picasa’s functions in following three area.
Manage: Simple to Use
– Find the picturs you forgot
– Move and rename your pictures
– Label your picture
– Give star rating to your pictures
– Add password to protect it
Edit: Complete and Powerful
– Cut, crop, remove red eye, adjust contrast and colour
– Zoom in/out, pan and tilt
– 12 visual effects to enhance your picture
– Fine tune with EXIF display
Share and Print: Easy and Funny
– Auto-adust size to fit in email
– Turn a group of picturs into slide show, and burn on CD
– Set the time delay, size and video setting. Your movie is ready to play and share.
– Turn photo into desktop background and screensaver
– Print your photo in Poster size.
– Make picture collages
From management, edit to print, we can see that the function provided by Picasa is much more. And most important is that Picasa is free.
Have a try on Picasa now.