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Optimize website keyword, Obtain higher page rank

This week, we will talk about how to use website keyword optimization to
improve the page rank of the search engine.

1. Page Title

You should provide a meaningful page title to every web page. Don’t
just put your company name there. You should give a page title that
shows the content of the page. Remember, the title will be used by
search engine in calculating the page rank.

2. META Tag

Meta Tag is used to provide information to the search engine robots.
Description Tag provides a short description about the page. In general,
the length of description is about 150 characters. You should try to put
some keywords into the description tag.

<meta name=”description” content=”We
provides technical tips on search engine optimization”/>

Keyword Tag tells the search engine robots what is the wording related
to your web page. You can use Keyword Tool to get some suggestions. We
will talk about the Keyword Tool before the end of this document.
Keywords are separated by comma. Do not put duplicate keywords, it will
only lower the page rank.

<meta name=”keywords” content=”technical tips, search engine”/>

3. Keywords

Keywords, of course, must be related to the contents of your web page.
The best practice is to put the keyword into your page title. The
keywords should also put into the description tag as mentioned above.
Remember to put the keywords into the contents in a sensible way. The
search engine robots will calculate the keyword density to determine the
page is valid with meaningful contents. If the density is too high, the
page is most likely filled up with same wording and cannot provide
useful information to the reader. This page will be ranked lower.

4. Keyword Tools

So, how can I find out the suitable keywords? The simplest way is to
think from the angle of your reader. What they are looking for? How they
can think of your company, your products? The following URL provides a
useful keyword tools.


Let’s try on the above four items, you will get some fruitful results

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