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Make the size of PowerPoint file smaller

Few weeks ago, we have talk about how to make the word file slim. This
week, we will talk about how to reduce the size of a PowerPoint file.

#1 Compress

The PowerPoint file size is too large is mostly caused by the image. In
PowerPoint 2003 or higher, you can use the compression to remove
unnecessary data. Right click the image and select “Format Picture”,
“Picture > Compress”. In options, select the “compress picture” and
“remove cropped area”.

In PowerPoint 2000 or earlier version, you can select the image and
select “Copy” in menu “Edit”. You can then select “Paste Special”. If
it is a photo, you can shoose “JPG”. If it is a monotonic image, you
can choose “PNG”. Afterward, you can remove the original picture.

You should be noted that, in PowerPoint, no matter how many times you
use the picture. It will only save a single copy. If you use the same
picture again and again, it will not increase the file size.

#2 Process
embedded object

After editing the picture or object, you can right click on it and
select “Grouping” > “Ungroup”. And, right click to select the
objects again and choose “Grouping” > “Regroup”. It will remove the
OLE data and can help to reduce the file size.

#3 Embed font

Embed font in PowerPoint file will increase the file size. Before embed
the font, you’d better to check the file size of font first.

#4 Close “Auto
Save” function

Open Powerpoint file, and select “Tools > Options > Save”, ensure
“Allow Fast Save” is unchecked. Once it is applied, you can save the
file to a new file name. You can find that the file size of new file is

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