To improve your productivity, you may put different shortcut on your computer desktop and you can easily locate the program or files. But you cannot put everythings on your desktop. You may only put those frequently use program or files on your desktop. If you are looking for other programs or files, you may need to search via Start Menu or Windows Explorer. Launchy is a free software which can help you to launch programs or files easily.
Launchy is a free program launcher. It allows you to launch your programs, documents, files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes. You can forget about your start menu, the desktop icons and even your file manager. Launchy create index for your programs and other files. You can simply types in the Launchy, it will lists out the relevant programs or files for you.
It will hide automatically after use. You can hit Alt+Space to bring it forward.
There are other useful features in Launchy
– Search Google, Yahoo, Msn
Type Google or Yahoo then hit Tab, type your query and hit Enter.
It will load your browser accordingly.
– Check the weather
Type in Weather, then hit Tab, then city or zip code and hit Enter.
– Browse your computer
Type in C:, then hit Tab, then a folder or file, and continue
– Built in calculator
For example, type 1+2, it will show 3 immediately
– Index your music, pictures, bookmarks, and folders
Under My Documents\ folder or your custom folders.
Launchy can be found in