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Five little help from Shift key

#1 When there are many windows shown on your desktop, it is really time consuming to click one by one to close all these windows. You can press and hold your “Shift” key and click the close button. Those related windows will be closed altogether.

#2 Press and hold your “Shift” key to select file, you can select multiple files in the range.

#3 To bypass the Recycle bin, just press and hold the “Shift” key when delete file. The file will be deleted completely and will not stay in the Recycle bin.

#4 Put your CD in your CD-Rom, it will go into the “Auto-Run” mode. You can press and hold “Shift” key to bypass the autorun.

#5 Press and hold “Shift” key and click “F10”, it will work like the right click of mouse.

Quick Receipt Software for Thermal Printer
Not only sales receipt and invoice, it also provides Packing List