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Tips to generate traffic, increase visibility, and let the world know your website

Many clients talk to us and ask about “how to increase website traffic”. They said they have get the website ready, optimize and get it listed in the search engine. But the traffic of their website is still very low. There are different techniques to advertise your product or your website and drive tons of qualified traffic. Here are some low cost traffic-generation techniques:

#1 Search Engines and online directories

Search engines, like Google and Yahoo!, are one of the primary sources of free targeted traffic. We’ve discussed this before. Let’s swap up some important points here:
(1) Create keyword targeted content-rich web site;
(2) Optimize your web pages to get high ranking by search engines;
(3) get your site indexed in the search engines and online directories.

#2 Email Marketing

Visitors who have interest in your product or service are potential
customers. Therefore, opt-in list building is the right way to implement
a system that brings visitors into repeat customers.

If you have an opt-in List, you are in the right position to follow.
Keep in touch with your customers and keep them informed about latest
updates for your product or services and making sales.

If you don’t have an opt-in list, it is time to start it right now.

#3 Forum Marketing

Forums are one of the main gathering places where people look for free
advice, tips and chat. There fore if you properly use these forums, you
can get some great exposure, and highly targeted visitors.

One of the biggest mistakes people using forums is, to blatantly
advertise their product or website. This will violate the forum culture
and annoy people. What you need to do is just share your view there and
leave your signature or link to your website.

#4 Article Marketing

You can share your tips or view about your business by writing article.
For example, you can provide tips on cleaning silver if you run a
jewelry shop. You can post the article in your website and also in
article directories. You can published article on Article directories.
Remember to including a good signature line with each article will
sparkle the reader’s interest, resulting in continuous driving traffic
for your website. Article writing help you attain a “Expert” status.
Moreover, it also helps to improves your google and yahoo search engine

#5 Tell a friend Scripts

“Tell a Friend” Script is one of the popular ways to drive traffic to
your website. It is just a simple script you put into your website where
the reader use it to refer friends to a particular page by clicking a
button on your website.

#6 Pay–Per-Click

Pay per Click (PPC) campaign is one of the fastest and easiest ways to
drive targeted traffic to your website at a very low cost. With PPC
advertisement, you will get targeted visitors to your website after
minutes of writing your ad. To exploit the full benefits Pay per Click
advertising, you have to understand how PPC advertisement works properly.

In coming weeks, we will discuss few of the above in details.

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4 thoughts on “Tips to generate traffic, increase visibility, and let the world know your website”

  1. In my humble opinion this is one of the biggest overlooked topics out there. It seems like everyone thinks about this but no one ever seems to talk about it. Thanks for the refreshing views!

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