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Few points about Search Engine Optimization

1. Work on SEO from day one. You should keep Search Engine Optimization in mind when designing your website in very beginning. When you make any changes on your web site, seo is one of the factors to consider.

2. Don’t rely on those SEO company completely. You have much better understanding on your company’s product, services, strategies than the SEO company. You should have a high participation in the SEO process.

3. Don’t trust thos SEO company that guarantee a number one search result ranking on any search engine for keywords. Even Google cannot guarantee a number one ranking. How the SEO company can do that? Search engine optimization can only help search engine to crawl your website and understand your website better.

4. Don’t spend time to submit thousands of search engine. Target on those big search engines is good enough. They brings you the majority of traffic.

5. Don’t spend time to check your page rank or search engine rankings every day. It’s better to put your efforts on seo and not checking the ranking.

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1 thought on “Few points about Search Engine Optimization”

  1. My organization is aiming to break in to the market of search engine marketing techniques. Have you ever considered showing your current strategies one-on-one? Do you think you could be a coach?

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