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Knowledge Sharing

If search traffic drops, how to handle it?

traffic drops gradually

Website traffic can come from different sources, such as search engines, social media sites, paid advertising, etc., among which search engines are the cheapest but also more difficult to control. Sometimes we may encounter situations where search traffic drops. What are the reasons behind this and how should we deal with it? Generally speaking, there are several main reasons for … Read more

Add Google +1 button to your Website

Google has released the Google +1 button. Webmasters can add the +1 button to their site and allow visitors to give recommendation to Google and let others know. What is Google +1 button The +1 button is similar to the “Like” button from Facebook. It lets other know “this is pretty cool” or “you should check this out”. +1 can … Read more

How content attract long term traffic?

People says content can attract long term traffic, but how? 1. Traffic from search engine Search engine crawlers love content. They will crawl the website content to enrich their data. The more content in your website, the more webpage is indexed by the search engines. Of course, you need to ensure your content is valuable and not duplicate. You should … Read more

Get More Traffic with Three Social Bookmarking Websites

Social bookmarking is a system for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet. Users can save the URL of web pages that they want to remember or share. These bookmarks are usually public which are available to other users. Of course, it can be saved as private use only. Social bookmarking websites … Read more

How can you generate traffic to a brand new website?

Every single day, more and more people upload brand new websites to the Internet. I don’t have any figures but there must be hundreds of thousands of new pages being added daily (if not considerably more!) The one thing that all of these new websites need in order to make their existence worthwhile is traffic, which leads me to one … Read more

First Study on Web Traffic Analysis

Web traffic analysis is important in tuning search engine optimization and marketing campaigns. If you’re never did web traffic analysis before, it is a bit difficult to start with. There are so many data and results, e.g. data related to visitor, keywords, browsers, etc. You can try to focus on the following information first: 1. What sites are sending you … Read more

Tips to generate traffic, increase visibility, and let the world know your website

Many clients talk to us and ask about “how to increase website traffic”. They said they have get the website ready, optimize and get it listed in the search engine. But the traffic of their website is still very low. There are different techniques to advertise your product or your website and drive tons of qualified traffic. Here are some … Read more

Google tools drive traffic to your website

If you want to increase your website traffic or increase the ranking in Google, you may find the following Google tools useful. #1 Google Webmaster Section http://www.google.com/webmasters/ The Google Webmaster Section should be your first stop when you want to know more about what things can be done to improve your website in related with Google. Particularly for new site … Read more