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Understanding the User Characteristics of Different Social Media Platforms

Social Media

To promote effectively online, one of the pathways is through social media. Each social media platform has a vast user base. If products or services can circulate on social media, there is an opportunity to reach more customers. However, within these vast social media platforms, it is essential to first understand the unique user characteristics and interests of each platform. … Read more

Post same content to different top-level domains?

If you’ve different top-level domains, e.g yourdomain.com, yourdomain.co.hk, yourdomain.com.au, yourdomain.com.hk, you may post similar contents to these websites. For example, you may post company news or some announcement on the web page of different domains. Is it a kind of content duplication? How Google treat this kind of content duplication? Google Webmaster Help answer this question in Youtube. It’s ok … Read more

Improve your Online Ordering Process

1. Walkthrough your ordering process Invite your friend to go through the ordering process in your website. Ask him to buy something from your website and start from the Home page. Write down everythings that he encountered during the process. You may find eliminate those barriers can greatly improve your conversion rate. 2. Review Buy Button Think again the position, … Read more

Five Mistakes Make Visitor Annoying and Leave your Website

There are tons of information in Internet. Why visitors would like to go to other website and not stay on your website? There are many reasons in behind. This article will show you five common mistakes that make visitor leave your website and go to others. 1. Not state clear what product/service provided in your website. If your website is … Read more

Five Useful Tools in Website Design

1. Use web safe colors, so that your design is shown as you want You can check the web safe color here http://www.permadi.com/tutorial/websafecolor/ 2. Test your web pages in different types and versions of web browsers You may test it with http://browsershots.org/ 3. Keep graphics files small. This is a tools for image optimization http://www.sitereportcard.com/imagereducer.php 4. Ensure your website display … Read more

Few Tips on Domain Name Registration

Domain name is one of the key for the success of online business. It is the name that others can find/refer to in Internet. You should pick a domain name that can match your business. There are many factors you should consider before registering a domain name. 1. Extension The domain name extension gives visitors an impression where you are … Read more

Four Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Blog

1. Choose the Right Blog Software WordPress, Blogger, or MovableType are the three most common choice for the bloggers. The installation process is simple and they provides an easy-to-use interface to manage your blog. You can setup different sub-pages, categories, feeds, user in your blog. Most important, there are different types of plugins provided which can further extends the functionality … Read more