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Opt-in! Higher success rate with permission email.

Many people says they need to send million emails out for email marketing events. Even the response rate is low, they still can get substantial amount of response. As the flood of junk mail, internet service provider and also end user install different spam filter to get rid from the junk. This also reduce the response rate of the marketing … Read more

Don’t send marketing email during holidays

An email marketing campaign is one of the cheapest ways that can be used to promote product to customers. Even it is cheap, you still need to take every steps to achieve a higher success rate. To perform a success email marketing campaign, you need to have: – comprehensive recipients list – good email software – attractive and well designed … Read more

Ten Don’ts in Email Marketing

1. Don’t bomb the recipient’s inbox. 2. Don’t make it too long. A short but clear message is enough. 3. Don’t use large number of exclamatory or punctuation marks 4. Don’t misspell words or use poor grammar. 5. Don’t use JavaScript or background images. 6. Don’t send irrelevant content. 7. Don’t send emails without unsubscribe links. 8. Don’t harvest email … Read more

How To Buy Email Marketing Software

Sending marketing email and provide products or services information to customers is a cost effective way. Email marketing is used to send your email message to a large number of people manually or through bulk email software. There are several features you need to consider when buying email marketing software. 1. Sending Speed In general, you should select a speedy … Read more

8 Tips on Email Marketing Event

1. The Rules Know your country regulations regarding to the unsolicited email or email marketing. Follow the rule and respect the rule. 2. Double Opt-In After user fill in the subscription form of newsletter, a confirmation email is sent to the user. User need to confirm his subscription in the email. “Double Opt-In” eliminates the chance of abuse where somebody … Read more

Few tips to increase the probability of your marketing email get opened

You may receives few hundreds emails each week, but most of them may be spam. Most of these emails will be deleted unread. If you’re using email marketing to promote your product, how to ensure your email get opened? 1. Don’t spam 2. Use premission email marketing 3. Use real sender name 4. Provide useful information in your email. 5. … Read more

Besides email marketing, email can provide more…

Send email to promote products, or call Email marketing, is very common today. Email is already became the most efficient and cost-effective tool for product promotion. Personalized Email can greatly enhance the effectiveness of email marketing. Personalized email is to provide personalized information in the email to fit every recipient and send him or her individually. Actually, email is an … Read more