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Knowledge Sharing

Web Sites that help you doing business in China: (3) Business Guide

To do business in China, you need to know their law, culture and working style first before getting in. You may find following website useful in these area. HSBC webpage In this HSBS webpage, it covers different topics in doing business in China. It talks about how to setup different type of business entities in China. It also has a … Read more

Web Sites that help you doing business in China: (2) Business Directories

To do business in China, you need to work with some business partners. You can locate your buyers/suppliers thought the business directories. If you just send emails to ask for co-operation, you may suffer with Spam. You need to find reliable partners to work with and get rid of those fake partners. Here we list some famous business directories/portal, which … Read more

Web Sites that help you doing business in China: (1) Search engine list

In this series of articles, we will talk about different web sites that are useful when doing business in China. We will also introduce different tools to facilitate your business. According to latest research made in fourth quarter 2005, there are over 100 million Internet users in China. (China rank second just after U.S.) However, it just covers 7.9% of … Read more