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Knowledge Sharing

Organize Your Work With Calendar

Have you forgot an appointment or missed a deadline? Missing an appointment or deadline may result a lost of business opportunity, or project failure. It is important to develop a calendar system to get yourself organized and manage your time and activities. 1. Get a Calendar The easiest way is to put a wall calendar or desktop calendar in your … Read more

Opt-in! Higher success rate with permission email.

Many people says they need to send million emails out for email marketing events. Even the response rate is low, they still can get substantial amount of response. As the flood of junk mail, internet service provider and also end user install different spam filter to get rid from the junk. This also reduce the response rate of the marketing … Read more

How to prepare an invoice?

Information in an Invoice The following list shows the basic information should be shown in an invoice. – Your Company name – Company address – Telephone number – Email address. – VAT registration number (if VAT is applied) – Invoice number The invoice should have a unique invoice number. You may also include a prefix in the invoice number. It … Read more

Advantages of using PDF

What is the advantage of using PDF format file? 1. Platform Independent PDF is a portable document format, which is work on Windows, Macintosh and Unix. It is a document which is independent of the hardware, operating system and application software used to create the document. It can be shared across different platforms. A PDF document created in Windows can … Read more

Where to Put Keywords to Enhance Search Engine Ranking

Keywords play an important role in search engine optimization. It affects search engine ranking of your website. You need to put keywords into different places of your webpage, like Title, Description, First Paragraph. But which one are the most important and have higher impact on the search engine ranking. Here’s the list shows the importance of the places to add … Read more

Don’t send marketing email during holidays

An email marketing campaign is one of the cheapest ways that can be used to promote product to customers. Even it is cheap, you still need to take every steps to achieve a higher success rate. To perform a success email marketing campaign, you need to have: – comprehensive recipients list – good email software – attractive and well designed … Read more

Benefits of Using Invoicing Software

Invoices or Bills are generated by the seller and passed to the customer along with the product. According to the invoice, the customer pays the bill to the seller. Many small business owners use hand written invoice. They fill out the product entries and price information with hand and send the hand written invoice to customer. Another option is excel … Read more