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Knowledge Sharing

Four important factors in chosing a web hosting company

This week we will talk about internet again. Many clients have talked to us about their online business and they would like to have some suggestion in chosing a web hosting company. There are so many companies and packages for them to choose. Here we will listed out some factors that need to be considered. #1 Disk Space Disk space … Read more

A better and faster browser: Firefox

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is one of the most often used, programs on the world’s personal computers. But Microsoft hasn’t made any important functional improvements in Internet Explorer for years. We only heard about the security issues, or patch release about IE. Another browser Firefox become more and more familiar and more than ten million user switch to use it. It … Read more

Google tools drive traffic to your website

If you want to increase your website traffic or increase the ranking in Google, you may find the following Google tools useful. #1 Google Webmaster Section http://www.google.com/webmasters/ The Google Webmaster Section should be your first stop when you want to know more about what things can be done to improve your website in related with Google. Particularly for new site … Read more

Make use of Outlook mail rule to organize mail box

Email is an important communication tool today. Everyday we need to handle many emails from customer, boss, colleagues and many others. This is very time consuming. Some users may have more than one email accounts. Outlook Express has a function call “Mail Rules” can help to organize the mailbox. It works like a postman to distribute the mail and take … Read more

Confidential: MS Word File Protection Tips

In the company, some important documents need to strengthen the protection, which restrict the users access. Today we will introduce some protection tips about Microsoft Word document. – Recent open files When we open File (file) Menu, it will list out the recent open files. Based on the security need, you may not want others to know what file we … Read more

File management freeware, help you to backup, restore, delete and encrypt

Today we will introduce some file management freewares. These freewares can help you to manage files in your computer. They can help to backup, restore, delete and encrypt the files. – Backup Some important company materials, for example customer records and financial material, certainly must make a backup. The backup can help company to keep the normal operation even the … Read more

Besides email marketing, email can provide more…

Send email to promote products, or call Email marketing, is very common today. Email is already became the most efficient and cost-effective tool for product promotion. Personalized Email can greatly enhance the effectiveness of email marketing. Personalized email is to provide personalized information in the email to fit every recipient and send him or her individually. Actually, email is an … Read more