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Knowledge Sharing

Remove Spyware with SUPERAntiSpyware

Spyware is a software that is installed on computer without the user’s informed consent. It invades without the approval of the owner or user of the computer. Spyware can interfere with user control. It may install other software/spyware, hijack web browser, diverting advertising revenue to others. It also collects personal information, like password, account id, stored in the computer. It … Read more

Completely remove sensitive file from computer

Deleting files in Windows doesn’t really remove the file. It just removes the reference to those files which means a data recovery program can still restore them. If you are worry about leaving information on your computer or throw/sell your hard disk, this cleanup program can help you and it will completely destroy data stored on the device. Eraser (http://www.heidi.ie/eraser/default.php) … Read more

Testimonials and Guarantee strengthen your online business

Online business success depends on thousands of factors. Price and quality of your product are two important factors. Factors related to your website also play a major role in the success, for example, site popularity, page rank, ordering process, etc. Trust of your website is one of the important factor. People only do business with people who with trust. There … Read more

Search engine ranking drops. What should I do?

Web site traffic is really important for the online business. The search engine ranking is the most determistic factor of the web site traffic. It is really annoying if you find your search engine ranking drops. This will greatly affect your web site traffic which may have a great impact on your web site business. If you find your search … Read more

First Study on Web Traffic Analysis

Web traffic analysis is important in tuning search engine optimization and marketing campaigns. If you’re never did web traffic analysis before, it is a bit difficult to start with. There are so many data and results, e.g. data related to visitor, keywords, browsers, etc. You can try to focus on the following information first: 1. What sites are sending you … Read more

Widen your Windows Desktop

Windows Desktop is a place that different applications running on. Sometimes when we run many many applications at the same time, the desktop become crowdy. It is much better if we can widen our desktop. DoubleDesktop is a freewware that can make it happen. DoubleDesktop is a tray utility that doubles the width of your Windows desktop. To use the … Read more

Keyword Crawler helps you find more keywords

It is important to list your keywords in the meta tag of your webpages. This keywords tag help the search engine to understand what your webpage related to. In this article, we will introduce a keyword tool which help you find out more keywords related to your webpage. Keyword Crawler is a freeware which helps you to explore the website … Read more