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Knowledge Sharing

Takes time to load your webpage? Pingdom Tools let you where is the bottleneck.

Webpage loading time depends on a lot of different factors. Besides text content, picture size, flash files, but also other necessary loading CSS, Js, and other files. If there are many objects to load, the speed to load the page may affected. Pingdom Tools is a free testing tools for page loading. It will tells you the loading time of … Read more

Three Don’t when perform Search Engine Optimization on your Website

Follows are the three Don’t when perform Search Engine Optimization: Don’t rely on SEO company SEO may helps you to submit website, may helps you to edit your web copy. But the most important part of SEO is keywords selection. You know your business and targeted customer than the SEO company do. So, do it yourself. Talk with your customers … Read more

Disk Cleanup, Defragmentation, and Check Disk to speedup your computer

1. Disk Cleanup Easy way to speedup your computer is to run disk cleanup tool. This tool helps you to cleanup temp files and also let you delete the duplicate files. Run Disk Cleanup tool: – Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup 2. Defragmentation In your computer, file may be saved into small … Read more

Watermark photos and protect your intellectual property

If you share photos, you never know what others will use your photos. The scenario is even worst if you post your photos on web. Others may take your photos and claim that they are the original author. Some others may even put a hyperlink and link to your photo directly. You not only lost your work, but also hurt … Read more

Rename Master helps you rename large groups of files with a few clicks.

Rename Master is a utility for renaming large groups of files with a few clicks. Anyone that has worked with websites, file archives, or collections of music, videos, or pictures has probably spent way too much time renaming hundreds of files. This software provides an easy to use interface that allows you to perform simple and advanced rename operations, very … Read more

Let’s the world knows your website. Submit to Search Engine.

How to generate traffic to website? How to let your customers know your web site? These are the common questions to ask. Of course, you need to put your web site address on your name card, email, company leaflet and brochure. You also need to submit your web site to different search engines. Submit To Search Engines There are thousands … Read more

Seven Tips to write a Good Press Release

Press release is a “newsworthy” announcement and not simply a commercial advertisement. It should gives useful information and not just some promotion statement. If the editors find your article is useful, they are likely to post your press release. However, if they just receive an “advertisement” article, they will just throw it into the bin. A press release has a … Read more

How can you generate traffic to a brand new website?

Every single day, more and more people upload brand new websites to the Internet. I don’t have any figures but there must be hundreds of thousands of new pages being added daily (if not considerably more!) The one thing that all of these new websites need in order to make their existence worthwhile is traffic, which leads me to one … Read more

10 Easy Ways to Protect Your Computer

1. If you are using Windows XP, always turn on the firewall. 2. Run anti-virus program everyday. 3. Run anti-spyware/adaware once a week. 4. Apply latest updates & service packs. Not only for Windows, but also for other software. 5. Run defragmentation, disk clean up, registry scanner once a week. 6. Turn on the pop-up blocker in your browser. 7. … Read more