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Knowledge Sharing

Dexpot Virtual Desktop Mananger expands your desktop

If you need to have several desktop workplaces on your windows, Dexpot is the solution. Dexpot allows you to create multiple, virtual desktops to increase the work area of your screen by up to 20 times. Each virtual desktop is independent from the others and can have its individual wallpaper, resolution, and icons (or no icons at all). A tray … Read more

Five Common Mistakes in Using Google Adwords

Google Adwords is an easy to use pay-per-click advertisement. You can build and show your advertisement in Search Engine within 30 minutes. As the simplicity and ease of use, many people simply fillin their advertisements and want to get profit from it. But, in fact, many people cannot achieve great profit from and some even get loss on it. It … Read more

Build A Good and Usable Contact Form for Customer to Find You

In your website, you should have a page called “Contact Us” or “Contact Our Company”. It lists out all the contact information of your company, likes Address, Email, Phone, Fax. But, do you have a contact form for customers to make their enquiry directly from the webpage? It is important to have a contact form for customers to contact your … Read more