Photo – Road, Traffic, Footbridge
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important and have great impact on search engine ranking. Not only your web contents and the linkage from other websites, the web design of your website plays an important role to search engine optimization. You should have a optimized web design which allows search engine spider to crawl your website easily and effectively. Use CSS … Read more
TheSage is a complete dictionary and a multifaceted thesaurus of the English language. TheSage provides a comprehensive searching mechanism. It allows you to search for a specific word by typing it directly, using a wildcard search, anagram search, phonetic wildcard search. The program offers a unique structured display of the search result. It used a tree structure with different colors … Read more
Tai Tam Reservoir You can find further information of Tai Tam Reservoir from Wiki These royalty-free photo can be used freely for personal or commerical.
Domain name is one of the key for the success of online business. It is the name that others can find/refer to in Internet. You should pick a domain name that can match your business. There are many factors you should consider before registering a domain name. 1. Extension The domain name extension gives visitors an impression where you are … Read more
Golden-Crested Mynah These royalty free photos can be used for personal or commercial.
It is wise to keep a digital format of your paper documents for backup purpose. Moreover, the digital copy can be accessed easily. You don’t need to get into your file cabinet and search the document one by one. Scan2PDF enables you to scan paper documents and save them to PDF format on your computer for digital archiving or backup. … Read more
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) at Night These royalty photos can be used for personal or commerical.
In Windows 7, there are sticky notes and you can use it to set notes and reminders. The stiky notes will stick on your computer desktop. You can set it with different color. You can set as many notes as you want on your desktop. The operation is simple and straight forward. Just type any text you want on the … Read more
Quote from Wikipedia “Mudskippers are completely amphibious fish, fish that can use its pectoral fins to “walk” on land. Being amphibious, they are uniquely adapted to intertidal habitats, unlike most fish in such habitats which survive the retreat of the tide by hiding under wet seaweed or in tidal pools. Mudskippers are quite active when out of water, feeding and … Read more