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Photo – Mudskipper

Quote from Wikipedia “Mudskippers are completely amphibious fish, fish that can use its pectoral fins to “walk” on land. Being amphibious, they are uniquely adapted to intertidal habitats, unlike most fish in such habitats which survive the retreat of the tide by hiding under wet seaweed or in tidal pools. Mudskippers are quite active when out of water, feeding and … Read more

Four Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Blog

1. Choose the Right Blog Software WordPress, Blogger, or MovableType are the three most common choice for the bloggers. The installation process is simple and they provides an easy-to-use interface to manage your blog. You can setup different sub-pages, categories, feeds, user in your blog. Most important, there are different types of plugins provided which can further extends the functionality … Read more

UP! Four Building Blocks to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

The following are the four basic but most important building blocks to improve your ranking in search engine results. 1. Title & Description Tag Your title tag should have keywords that meaningfully describe your page. You should provide distinct meaningful title to every web page. Don’t just put your company name, but you should give a page title that shows … Read more

Talking Alarm Clock on Your Computer Desktop

Nowaday, people work with computer everyday. It is always better if we can keep our schedule in the computer and alert us for the different events. For example, alarm for making online bank payment. Talking Alarm Clock is a desktop alarm clock freeware which can remind you of important dates and events. Talking Alarm Clock provides three types of alarm, … Read more