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Don’t annoy your visitor

Get visitors to visit your website is difficult. It is even harder to get them stay and surf around your website.
However, it is always easy to make your visitors leave your website. Here’re some reasons.

1. “Fancy-Only” Applets/Javascript/Flash.

Don’t put some “no use” applets/javascript/flash object on your webpage. This will distracts your visitor.
Keep focus on your objective and remove those “fancy but no use” stuffs.

2. More than one banner.

What is your target? What you want to says to your visitor?
Multiple banners will distract your visitors. One banner is always enough.

3. Slow Pages.

There are tons of information available in second. Visitor can go to search engine and make another search instead. Why visitor need to wait for mintues on your website?

4. Broken Images/Links.

Broken images/links only gives visitors a “not ready” image.
Make sure all your images display properly, and your links work.

5. Spelling/Grammar Mistakes.

These will give visitors a feeling that your work is not well-prepared.
Visitor will worry about the correctness of your information.

Check your website on the above issue. These are the most common problems to annoy visitors and make them go.

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