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Advantages of using PDF

What is the advantage of using PDF format file?

1. Platform Independent
PDF is a portable document format, which is work on Windows, Macintosh and Unix. It is a document which is independent of the hardware, operating system and application software used to create the document. It can be shared across different platforms. A PDF document created in Windows can be read in another platform such as Macintosh or Unix. The cross platform feature makes PDF a choice to use over Internet.

2. PDF viewer is freeware
PDF file can be viewed and printed with a freeware. PDF reader can be download free from Internet on computer or mobile devices. In other words, the PDF document can be read freely by everyone.

3. Password Protect
PDF file allows you to protect your document with a password. You can password protect the PDF file from printing, editing, and copying.

4. Cannot be easily altered
JPEG, GIF or TIFF File Format can be easily altered. However, PDF file cannot be easily altered without leaving an electronic mark. If you share your photos with others, your photos can be easily be altered. But if your photos are in PDF format, your photos cannot be altered easily. It is also convenient to flip to and fro to review your photos.

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