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Add date time information on Title Bar

“Titlebar Date-Time” is a freeware to displays the date and/or time on the right hand side of the titlebar of whatever program is active.

The style can be customized. You can change the color of the background and/or text.
You can format the date and time as you wish.
– Full/Short weekday (Monday, Mon)
– Full/Short month (April, Apr)
– Two/Four digit year (2010, 01)
– 12/24 hour
– Numerical date
– Custom date separator
– Show/hide time
– Show/hide seconds
– Show/hide AM/PM
– Show/hide week number
You can even add text before/after the date-time display.

Titlebar Date-Time is a freeware. It can runs on Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003/2000/ME/98/95.
Further information can be found here.

Quick Receipt Software for Thermal Printer
An image copy will be saved when the document is printed