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Use email marketing wisely, Stand out from junk mail

Email Marketing is the most cheapest and efficient way to promote products.
However, under tons of junk mail, your marketing mail always be
neglected and put into the wastebasket. To stand out from the junk
mails, follow the suggestions below to increase the power of your email

1. No image only email, use text mail instead

First, email with image will put extra loading on the email server,
which will make the processing time longer. Second, some email servers
will mark those image only emails as junk mails or spam mails. This,
of course, will lower the chance to deliver the mail to your customer.

2. No attachment

Similar to the above case, emails with attachment will put extra
loading on the email server. Under the threat of virus, some email
servers will filter out the email attachment. The customer may not get
what you want to provide. Also, nowsaday, most users are very sensitive
to those unknown email attachments and they will not take risk to open
the attachment.

3. No fancy HTML email

HTML email can provide a feature rich interface. However, not all email
clients support the HTML email well. Even the email clients claim they
are support HTML email, different email clients performs differently. If
the email clients cannot support well, how can your customer read the
message? Moreover, many users set the email client as Do not load image
automatically, your email will have many blank areas in this case.

4. Write down recipient’ name

This will raise the customers’ interest because they don’t want to skip
any message that related to them.

5. Provide your sender address

Some email server will block those emails with invalid sender address,
or sender address that not exists in the recipients’; address
book. So don’t hide your name, let your customer knows who you are.

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6 thoughts on “Use email marketing wisely, Stand out from junk mail”

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