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Besides email marketing, email can provide more…

Send email to promote products, or call Email marketing, is very common today. Email is already became the most efficient and cost-effective tool for product promotion.

Personalized Email can greatly enhance the effectiveness of email marketing. Personalized email is to provide personalized information in the email to fit every recipient and send him or her individually.

Actually, email is an efficient tool in communication likes,

– Promotion

Email marketing is very common today. Using personalized email to
promote products can attract the customers’ attention. The response rate
is much higher compare with those junk mails.

– Newsletter

Besides email marketing, email also play an important role in keeping
contacts with your customers. You can make use of the personalized email
to send customers the company latest information or the newsletter.
Because, the emails are send out individually, this can keep the
customers’ privacy also.

– Communicate with Suppliers

Email is a way to communicate with your supplier. For example, when you
ask for a quotation of product, you can send emails to different
suppliers. With personalized email, you can even put more specific
information there. Moreover, you can attach a quotation form in the
email, so that the suppliers can directly response it.

– Internal communication

You can use the personalized email to send different notice or
information to different departments or staff. They will not read
unnecessary information.

Email not only be used for email marketing, it is a good communication
tools with your customer, suppliers, and your staff. And personalized
email can further expand the power of email.

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