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Three Mistakes You Should Avoid in Google Adwords

You may try the Google Adwords and post an ad to promote your company or product. You can setup an ad in 15 minutes and let the world know your product. It is so simple but you should be care on expense on the pay-per-click advertisement. There are three mistakes you should avoid.

#1 Long List of Keywords

Do you go crazy to find out “every keyword” related to your company, your product and your ad? You want to make the keyword list longer and longer, such that when people use search engine can see your ad. The fact is you should not make the list long, you should make it targeted.

For example, if you are a software company, keyword “download” may be suitable for your ad. What happen if people click the ad with this keyword? You need to pay much but most probably got zero feedbacks. Why? The reason being is that the cost per click (CPC) for such a generic keyword will be much higher compared with a more descriptive relevant keyword. You need to compete with different company on this “download” keyword, include MP3 download site, Musical Website, or big software company. The price must be much higher.
Why not pick a descriptive keyword like “download printing software”? You will not compete with those musical or mp3 websites or even those big software company.

#2 Landing to your home page

Don’t bring your visitor to your home page. When visitor clicks on the ad, you should bring to the page with exact information your ad described and not to a generic home page or welcome page. Why? Visitors are busy to look for information. When they click on the ad, it will bring them to a page. They will skim through the page to locate the information. If they cannot find the information they need, they will close your page and click on another ad. You pay for the ad but got nothing.

You should bring your visitor to the landing page with the exact information. If the keyword is “Printer Cartridge”, you should bring your visitor to “Printing Supplies Page” and not the “Computer Store Page” or “Printer Page”.

#3 Missing Keywords in Your Ad

When creating your ad, you shouild add your keywords in to your title and descriptive text. If your ad does not have any relation with your keyword, the quality of your ad will be lower. You need to pay more to get into a higher position. You should keep your ad related to your keywords.

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